If you’re like most people, you probably spend a lot of time looking at screens. And if you’re looking at screens all the time, you may be interested in reducing the strain on your eyes by using dark mode. Using dark mode is also not just about reducing the strain on your eyes, it can also reduce the amount of battery that your device uses, as well as improve user privacy
The dark mode is a setting that reverses the color scheme of a display, making the background dark and the text light. This can be easier on your eyes, and it can also help battery life on devices with OLED screens.
If you’re a designer, you should consider designing emails that look great in dark mode. In this article, we’ll show you why dark mode is important, how to design for it, and some examples of great dark mode email designs.
What is dark mode in emails?
It is a setting that can be enabled in some email programs that changes the color scheme of the email interface from a light background with dark text to a dark background with light text. Dark mode is currently a hot topic for many web and app design teams, as more and more people are using dark mode on their devices.
Email programs that support dark mode include Apple Mail, Gmail, and Outlook.
Reasons why you should design emails for dark mode
There are multiple reasons why you should design emails for dark mode. Below, we will discuss some of the top reasons.
Improve the User Experience
One of the primary reasons you should be designing your emails for dark mode is that it can help improve the user experience. Many people use their mobile devices in dark environments. This can be harmful to their eyes if you don’t design your emails for dark mode. By designing them for dark mode, you can help reduce the strain placed on their eyes. This can help to improve their overall experience while using your app or reading your emails.
Reduce Battery Usage
Another reason you should consider designing your emails for dark mode is that it can help reduce battery usage. Dark mode can help reduce the number of pixels that need to be lit up on the screen. This can help conserve battery life, which is beneficial for the user and can help reduce support costs.
Increase Contrast
Another reason you should design your emails for dark mode is that it can help increase contrast. This can help make it easier for the user to read your email. It can also help to make your email stand out from other emails in the inbox.
Help With Accessibility
Another reason you should design your emails for dark mode is that it can help with accessibility. Some people who are colorblind or have other visual impairments can have a difficult time reading emails that are not designed for dark mode. By designing your emails for dark mode, you can help improve the experience for these users.
Dark mode email development and design
There are both HTML and CSS tips for creating a great emails in Dark Mode.
Here are some tips for HTML email development in Dark Mode:
1. Use the new media query
The new media query, prefers-color-scheme, lets you specify different styles for light and dark mode.
Here’s an example:
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
body {
background-color: black;
color: white;
2. Use the new color values
The new color values, color-index and color-index-hsl, let you specify different colors for light and dark mode.
Here’s an example:
body {
color: color-index(0 1); /* black in light mode, white in dark mode */
3. Use the new system colors
The new system colors, -moz-mac-accentdarkest, -moz-mac-accentdarker, -moz-mac-accentdark, -moz-mac-accent, -moz-mac-accentlight, -moz-mac-accentlighter, and -moz-mac-accentlightest, let you specify different colors for light and dark mode.
Here’s an example:
body {
color: -moz-mac-accentdarkest; /* black in light mode, white in dark mode */
4. Use the new filter values
The new filter values, invert and hue-rotate, let you specify different filters for light and dark mode.
Here’s an example:
body {
filter: invert(100%); /* inverts the color in dark mode */
5. Use the new background-color values
The new background-color values, -moz-Field, -moz-Button, -moz-Tooltip, and -moz-Dialog, let you specify different background colors for light and dark mode.
Here’s an example:
body {
background-color: -moz-Field; /* white in light mode, black in dark mode */
Here are some tips for CSS email development in Dark Mode:
1. Use the new media query
The new media query, prefers-color-scheme, lets you specify different styles for light and dark mode.
Here’s an example:
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
body {
background-color: black;
color: white;
2. Use the new color values
The new color values, color-index and color-index-hsl, let you specify different colors for light and dark mode.
Here’s an example:
body {
color: color-index(0 1); /* black in light mode, white in dark mode */
3. Use the new system colors
The new system colors, -moz-mac-accentdarkest, -moz-mac-accentdarker, -moz-mac-accentdark, -moz-mac-accent, -moz-mac-accentlight, -moz-mac-accentlighter, and -moz-mac-accentlightest, let you specify different colors for light and dark mode.
Here’s an example:
body {
color: -moz-mac-accentdarkest; /* black in light mode, white in dark mode */
4. Use the new filter values
The new filter values, invert and hue-rotate, let you specify different filters for light and dark mode.
Here’s an example:
body {
filter: invert(100%); /* inverts the color in dark mode */
5. Use the new background-color values
The new background-color values, -moz-Field, -moz-Button, -moz-Tooltip, and -moz-Dialog, let you specify different background colors for light and dark mode.
Here’s an example:
body {
background-color: -moz-Field; /* white in light mode, black in dark mode */
Dark mode emails best practice
Creating emails that render well in both light and dark mode can be a challenge. Here are some tips to help you design emails that look great in any mode.
1. Use a dark background with light text
One way to create an email that looks good in both dark and light mode is to use a dark background with light text. This will ensure that your email is readable in both modes.
2. Use high-contrast colors
Another way to create an email that looks good in both dark and light mode is to use high-contrast colors. This means using colors that are very different from each other, such as black and white, or red and green.
3. Use images with high contrast
If you use images in your email, make sure they have high contrast. This means that the colors in the image are very different from each other.
4. Use dark mode-specific images
If you want to use images that are specifically designed for dark mode, you can find them online. Just search for “dark mode images” or “images for dark mode”.
5, Use dark mode-specific fonts
There are some fonts that are specifically designed for dark mode. You can find them by searching for “dark mode fonts” or “fonts for dark mode”.
6. Make sure your images have alt text
When an image is displayed in dark mode, the background becomes dark and the text becomes light. This can make it difficult to read the text on the image, so it’s important to make sure your images have alt text.
How does dark Mode impact the email experience?
Dark mode as it sounds is a color scheme that uses light-colored text on a dark background. It is designed to reduce eye strain in low-light conditions. The email experience is not impacted by dark mode. Many people find it easier to read emails in the dark mode because the contrast between the text and the background is easier on the eyes.
It is only ideal for businesses to do what is best for their end users. The impact of a dark mode on the email experience should be considered before implementing it. This makes it all the more important to test your emails in dark mode before rolling them out to your entire audience. To test this , simply change the color scheme of your email to black and white before sending it to yourself. If the email is difficult to read, then it is likely that your recipients will have the same experience.
Know that changing the color scheme of your email to dark mode will not impact your deliverability. It is still important to use a clear and concise subject line, as well as, a sender name that your recipients will recognize. There are several other factors that will affect your deliverability more than the color scheme of your email.
Does dark mode also have a negative impact? If you are wondering about the potential downside of using dark mode for email, then you should know that it can make some images appear blurry. This is because dark mode reverses the color scheme of an image, which can make it difficult to see.
Overall, the decision to use dark mode for the email should be based on what is best for your end users. If you are unsure, then it is always best to test your emails in dark mode before rolling them out to your entire audience.
Dark mode email is something we have seen a lot in the last few years. Many platforms have added a dark mode to their design, and more companies are adding dark mode to their apps. It is a trend that is not going to go away any time soon, so it is important to make sure your email marketing campaigns are optimized for dark mode.
There you have it, so in summary, you have to keep a few things in mind. First, it is important to test your emails in both light and dark mode. Second, make sure you use a light-colored font for your dark mode emails so that they are easy to read. Finally, use a dark background color for your dark mode emails so that they stand out in the inbox.