API Documentation | LABNIFY

API Documentation



The Labnify API documentation builds on the virtually extended instance of Mailwizz/MTA. Combined a Mailer and relay engine into one webapp, you can send emails directly via your panel or API.

This is the documentation for Labnify API.

In order to integrate Labnify with 3rd-party apps or any custom apps, you can use its powerful API.

The API is providing the basic operations needed for your implementation.

This document will drive you through the Labnify available SDKs .

Available implementations:


Compatible implementations:

The Python SDK.

The Ruby SDK.

A small rest app that acts as a proxy between Labnify and any other software.

Node.js implementations.

HTTP Methods used

We follow the REST standards for Labnify's API interaction, which means that we use following HTTP methods during communication:

  • POST - when items are created

  • GET - when items are listed

  • PUT - when items are updated

  • DELETE - when items are deleted

You will have to make sure your server supports all these methods.

If you are doing API calls and get HTTP Forbidden errors, when updating or deleting items, it means your server does not support PUT/DELETE and you must change it's configuration to allow these methods.


Authentication is done by sending your API key in a custom header called X-Api-Key.



Data Format

When sending data to the API endpoints, it is sent in form-data format and returned as json.

Getting started

First you need to install the SDK. See each supported language for its way of installing


Get started by installing it via composer as follows:

composer require ems-api/php-client

Then follow the instructions from examples/setup.php file.


You can either download the latest version of the code, or you can install it via pip as follows:

pip install mailwizz-python-sdk

Then follow the instructions from examples/setup_api.py file.


You can download or clone the latest version of the code.

git clone https://github.com/twisted1919/mailwizz-ruby-sdk.git

You will need to have Ruby installed:


The following gem is required: excon

sudo gem install excon

Then, follow the instructions from examples/setup_api.rb file.


Please make sure to replace API-URL PUBLIC-KEY, with their proper values:

//Require the autoloader class if you haven't used composer to install the package require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; //Configuration object (Get your API info from: https://kb.mailwizz.com/articles/find-api-info/) : $config = new \EmsApi\Config([ 'apiUrl' => 'API-URL', 'apiKey' => 'PUBLIC-KEY', // components 'components' => [ 'cache' => [ 'class' => \EmsApi\Cache\File::class, 'filesPath' => __DIR__ . '/data/cache', // make sure it is writable by webserver ] ], ]); //Now inject the configuration and we are ready to make api calls \EmsApi\Base::setConfig($config); //Start UTC date_default_timezone_set('UTC');

See each language tab for the setup instructions.



Lists endpoint

/ CREATE THE ENDPOINT $endpoint = new EmsApi\Endpoint\Lists();

Get all lists

// GET ALL ITEMS $response = $endpoint->getLists($pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "count": "12", "total_pages": 2, "current_page": 1, "next_page": 2, "prev_page": null, "records": [ { "general": { "list_uid": "tz601yx7aa61b", "name": "Testing list #4", "display_name": "Testing list", "description": "Testing list" }, "defaults": { "from_name": "Test user", "reply_to": "user@example.com", "subject": "" }, "notifications": { "subscribe": "no", "unsubscribe": "no", "subscribe_to": "", "unsubscribe_to": "" }, "company": { "name": "Support", "address_1": "Test", "address_2": "", "zone_name": "Constanta", "city": "Constanta", "zip_code": "1234x", "phone": "", "address_format": "[COMPANY_NAME]\n[COMPANY_ADDRESS_1] [COMPANY_ADDRESS_2]\n[COMPANY_CITY] [COMPANY_ZONE] [COMPANY_ZIP]\n[COMPANY_COUNTRY]\n[COMPANY_WEBSITE]", "country": { "country_id": "1", "name": "Afghanistan", "code": "AF" } } }, { "general": { "list_uid": "zh103m6twfcd2", "name": "Testing list #5", "display_name": "Testing list", "description": "Testing list" }, "defaults": { "from_name": "Test user", "reply_to": "user@example.com", "subject": "" }, "notifications": { "subscribe": "no", "unsubscribe": "no", "subscribe_to": "", "unsubscribe_to": "" }, "company": { "name": "Support", "address_1": "Test", "address_2": "", "zone_name": "Constanta", "city": "Constanta", "zip_code": "1234x", "phone": "", "address_format": "[COMPANY_NAME]\n[COMPANY_ADDRESS_1] [COMPANY_ADDRESS_2]\n[COMPANY_CITY] [COMPANY_ZONE] [COMPANY_ZIP]\n[COMPANY_COUNTRY]\n[COMPANY_WEBSITE]", "country": { "country_id": "1", "name": "Afghanistan", "code": "AF" } } } ] } }

This endpoint retrieves all the lists.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.

Get one list

// get a single list $response = $endpoint->getList('LIST-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "record": { "general": { "list_uid": "cn417nrhmv922", "name": "Testing list #4", "display_name": "Testing list", "description": "Testing list" }, "defaults": { "from_email": "from@domain.com", "from_name": "User Test", "reply_to": "user@example.com", "subject": "" }, "notifications": { "subscribe": "no", "unsubscribe": "no", "subscribe_to": "", "unsubscribe_to": "" }, "company": { "name": "Support", "address_1": "Test", "address_2": "", "zone_name": "Constanta", "city": "Constanta", "zip_code": "1234x", "phone": "", "address_format": "[COMPANY_NAME]\n[COMPANY_ADDRESS_1] [COMPANY_ADDRESS_2]\n[COMPANY_CITY] [COMPANY_ZONE] [COMPANY_ZIP]\n[COMPANY_COUNTRY]\n[COMPANY_WEBSITE]", "country": { "country_id": "1", "name": "Afghanistan", "code": "AF" } } } } }

This endpoint retrieves the list with the given LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique id which to retrieve.

Create a list

// create a new list // please see countries.php example file for a list of allowed countries/zones for list company $response = $endpoint->create([ // required 'general' => [ 'name' => 'My list created from the API', // required 'description' => 'This is a test list, created from the API.', // required ], // required 'defaults' => [ 'from_name' => 'John Doe', // required 'from_email'=> 'johndoe@doe.com', // required 'reply_to' => 'johndoe@doe.com', // required 'subject' => 'Hello!', ], // optional 'notifications' => [ // notification when new subscriber added 'subscribe' => 'yes', // yes|no // notification when subscriber unsubscribes 'unsubscribe' => 'yes', // yes|no // where to send the notifications. 'subscribe_to' => 'johndoe@doe.com', 'unsubscribe_to' => 'johndoe@doe.com', ], // optional, if not set customer company data will be used 'company' => [ 'name' => 'John Doe INC', // required 'country' => 'United States', // required 'zone' => 'New York', // required 'address_1' => 'Some street address', // required 'address_2' => '', 'zone_name' => '', // when country doesn't have required zone. 'city' => 'New York City', 'zip_code' => '10019', ], ]); // and get the response echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success", "list_uid": "hv4163y076d84" }

This endpoint creates a list.

The $data param can contain following indexed arrays:

-> general - required

-> defaults - required

-> notifications - optional

-> company - optional, if not set customer company data will be used

Please see countries.php example file for a list of allowed countries/zones for list company

HTTP Request


POST Parameters

dataarrayyesArray with the list details. The following indexed arrays are accepted: general, defaults, notifications, company

General block - required

namestringyesList name
descriptionstringyesList description

Defaults block - required

from_namestringyesFrom name
from_emailstringyesFrom email
reply_tostringyesReply to email
subjectstringnoList subject

Notifications block - optional

subscribeYes/NonoNotification when new subscriber added
unsubscribeYes/NonoNotification when new subscriber unsubscribe
subscribe_tostringnoWhere to send the notifications on subscribe
unsubscribe_tostringnoWhere to send the notifications on unsubscribe

Company block - optional - if not set customer company data will be used

namestringyesCompany name
countrystringyesCompany country
zonestringyesCompany zone
address_1stringyesCompany address
address_2stringnoCompany address 2
zone_namestringnoCompany address - when country doesn't have required zone.
citystringnoCompany city
zipcodestringnoCompany zipcode

Update a list

// update list // please see countries.php example file for a list of allowed countries/zones for list company $response = $endpoint->update('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', [ // required 'general' => [ 'name' => 'My list created from the API - now updated!', // required 'description' => 'This is a test list, created from the API.', // required ], // required 'defaults' => [ 'from_name' => 'John Doe', // required 'from_email'=> 'johndoe@doe.com', // required 'reply_to' => 'johndoe@doe.com', // required 'subject' => 'Hello!', ], // optional 'notifications' => [ // notification when new subscriber added 'subscribe' => 'yes', // yes|no // notification when subscriber unsubscribes 'unsubscribe' => 'yes', // yes|no // where to send the notifications. 'subscribe_to' => 'johndoe@doe.com', 'unsubscribe_to' => 'johndoe@doe.com', ], // optional, if not set customer company data will be used 'company' => [ 'name' => 'John Doe INC', // required 'country' => 'United States', // required 'zone' => 'New York', // required 'address_1' => 'Some street address', // required 'address_2' => '', 'zone_name' => '', 'city' => 'New York City', 'zip_code' => '10019', ], ]); // and get the response echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success" }

This endpoint updates a list.

HTTP Request


URL Segment

LIST-UNIQUE-IDstringyesList unique identifier

POST Parameters

dataarrayyesArray with the list details. The following indexed arrays are accepted: general, defaults, notifications, company. See the create section for details

Copy a list

// copy a list $response = $endpoint->copy('LIST-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success", "list_uid": "hv4163y076d84" }

This endpoint copy the list with the given LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique id to copy.

Delete a list

// delete a list $response = $endpoint->delete('LIST-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success" }

This endpoint will delete the list with the given LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique id to delete.


List fields endpoint

// CREATE THE ENDPOINT $endpoint = new EmsApi\Endpoint\ListFields();

Get all list fields

// GET ALL ITEMS $response = $endpoint->getFields('LIST-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "records": [ { "field_id": "12", "tag": "EMAIL", "label": "Email", "required": "yes", "help_text": null, "visibility": "visible", "sort_order": "0", "type": { "name": "Text", "identifier": "text", "description": "Text" } }, { "field_id": "13", "tag": "FNAME", "label": "First name", "required": "no", "help_text": null, "visibility": "visible", "sort_order": "1", "type": { "name": "Text", "identifier": "text", "description": "Text" } }, { "field_id": "14", "tag": "LNAME", "label": "Last name", "required": "no", "help_text": null, "visibility": "visible", "sort_order": "2", "type": { "name": "Text", "identifier": "text", "description": "Text" } } ] } }

This endpoint retrieves all the fields of a list.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesThe list unique identifier

Query Parameters

page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.

Get one list field

// GET ONE ITEM $response = $endpoint->getField('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'FIELD-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "record": { "field_id": "13", "tag": "FNAME", "label": "First name", "required": "no", "help_text": null, "visibility": "visible", "sort_order": "1", "type": { "name": "Text", "identifier": "text", "description": "Text" } } } }

This endpoint retrieves the list field with the given FIELD-ID for the given LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique id to retrieve field for.
FIELD-IDyesList field id to retrieve

Create a list field

// create a new list field $response = $endpoint->create('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', [ 'type' => 'dropdown', 'label' => 'Text Label', 'tag' => 'DROPDOWN', 'required' => 'no', 'visibility' => 'visible', 'sort_order' => 0, 'help_text' => 'Help', 'default_value' => '', 'description' => 'Description', 'options' => [ [ 'name' => 'Option1', 'value' => 'Value1' ], [ 'name' => 'Option2', 'value' => 'Value2' ], ] ]); // and get the response echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "record": { "field_id": "138", "label": "Text Label", "tag": "DROPDOWN", "help_text": "Help", "description": "Description", "default_value": "", "required": "no", "visibility": "visible", "sort_order": "0", "type": { "name": "Dropdown", "identifier": "dropdown", "description": "Dropdown" }, "list": { "list_uid": "wo16508sn983b", "display_name": "My list" }, "options": { "Value1": "Option1", "Value2": "Option2" } } } }

This endpoint creates a list field.

The data param can contain following indexed arrays:

-> options - optional

HTTP Request

POST API-URL/lists/LIST_UID/fields

POST Parameters

dataarrayyesArray with the list field details. The following indexed arrays are accepted: options

General block - required

typestringyesThe field type check the field types endpoint for possible values
labelstringyesThe label of the field
tagstringyesThe unique tag
requiredstringyesWhether the field is required or not (yes/no)
visibilitystringyesWhether the field is visible or not (hidden/visible)
default_valuestringnoThe field default value
sort_orderintnoThe field showing order in the form
help_textstringnoThe field help text
descriptionstringnoThe field description
min_lengthintnoApplies for the text fields. Min length
max_lengthintnoApplies for the text fields. Max length maximum allowed value is 255
content_rulestringnoApplies for the text fields. Allows rules as alpha_ci/alphanum_ci/alphanumext_ci
content_regexstringnoApplies for the text fields. Regex to validate the field value
allowed_schemestringnoApplies for the url field
whitelist_domainsstringnoApplies for the url field
blacklist_domainsstringnoApplies for the url field
max_starsintnoApplies for the rating field
default_countrystringnoApplies for the phone field. Country codes values like us/ro/bg

Options block - optional

namestringyesThe option name to show in the dropdown
valuestringyesThe option value for the dropdown

Update a list field

// update list field $response = $endpoint->update('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'FIELD-ID', [ 'label' => 'Text Label', 'tag' => 'DROPDOWN', 'required' => 'no', 'visibility' => 'visible', 'sort_order' => 0, 'help_text' => 'Help', 'default_value' => '', 'description' => 'Description', 'options' => [ [ 'name' => 'Option1', 'value' => 'Value1' ], [ 'name' => 'Option2', 'value' => 'Value2' ], ] ]); // and get the response echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "record": { "field_id": "138", "label": "Text Label", "tag": "DROPDOWN", "help_text": "Help", "description": "Description", "default_value": "", "required": "no", "visibility": "visible", "sort_order": "0", "type": { "name": "Dropdown", "identifier": "dropdown", "description": "Dropdown" }, "list": { "list_uid": "wo16508sn983b", "display_name": "My list" }, "options": { "Value1": "Option1", "Value2": "Option2" } } } }

This endpoint updates a list field.

HTTP Request


URL Segment

LIST-UNIQUE-IDstringyesList unique identifier
FIELD-IDstringyesList field id

PUT Parameters

dataarrayyesArray with the list field details. The following indexed arrays are accepted: options See the create section for details

General block - required

labelstringyesThe label of the field
tagstringyesThe unique tag
requiredstringyesWhether the field is required or not (yes/no)
visibilitystringyesWhether the field is visible or not (hidden/visible)
default_valuestringnoThe field default value
sort_orderintnoThe field showing order in the form
help_textstringnoThe field help text
descriptionstringnoThe field description min_length
max_lengthintnoApplies for the text fields. Max length
content_rulestringnoApplies for the text fields. Allows rules as alpha_ci/alphanum_ci/alphanumext_ci
content_regexstringnoApplies for the text fields. Regex to validate the field value
allowed_schemestringnoApplies for the url field
whitelist_domainsstringnoApplies for the url field
blacklist_domainsstringnoApplies for the url field
max_starsintnoApplies for the rating field
default_countrystringnoApplies for the country field. Country codes values like us/ro/bg

Options block - optional

namestringyesThe option name to show in the dropdown
valuestringyesThe option value for the dropdown

Delete a list field

// Delete FIELD $response = $endpoint->delete('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'FIELD-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success" }

This endpoint will delete the list field with the given FIELD-ID for the LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique id to delete.
FIELD-IDyesList field id to delete

Get all list field types

// GET ALL ITEMS $response = $endpoint->getListFieldTypes(); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "count": "20", "records": [ { "name": "Text", "identifier": "text", "description": "Text" }, { "name": "Dropdown", "identifier": "dropdown", "description": "Dropdown" }, { "name": "Multiselect", "identifier": "multiselect", "description": "Multiselect" }, { "name": "Date", "identifier": "date", "description": "Date" }, { "name": "Datetime", "identifier": "datetime", "description": "Datetime" }, { "name": "Textarea", "identifier": "textarea", "description": "Textarea" }, { "name": "Country", "identifier": "country", "description": "Country" }, { "name": "State", "identifier": "state", "description": "State" }, { "name": "Checkbox List", "identifier": "checkboxlist", "description": "Checkbox List" }, { "name": "Radio List", "identifier": "radiolist", "description": "Radio List" }, { "name": "Geo Country", "identifier": "geocountry", "description": "Geo Country" }, { "name": "Geo State", "identifier": "geostate", "description": "Geo State" }, { "name": "Geo City", "identifier": "geocity", "description": "Geo City" }, { "name": "Checkbox", "identifier": "checkbox", "description": "Checkbox" }, { "name": "Consent Checkbox", "identifier": "consentcheckbox", "description": "Consent Checkbox" }, { "name": "Years Range", "identifier": "yearsrange", "description": "Years Range" }, { "name": "Phone Number", "identifier": "phonenumber", "description": "Phone Number" }, { "name": "Email", "identifier": "email", "description": "Email" }, { "name": "Url", "identifier": "url", "description": "Url" }, { "name": "Rating", "identifier": "rating", "description": "Rating" } ] } }

This endpoint retrieves all the list field types.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/lists/fields/types


List segments endpoint

// CREATE THE ENDPOINT $endpoint = new EmsApi\Endpoint\ListSegments();

Get all list segments

// GET ALL ITEMS $response = $endpoint->getSegments('LIST-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "count": "1", "total_pages": 1, "current_page": 1, "next_page": null, "prev_page": null, "records": [ { "segment_uid": "yx536w32xt946", "name": "test", "subscribers_count": 289 } ] } }

This endpoint retrieves all the segments of a list.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesThe list unique identifier

Query Parameters

page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.

Get one list segment

// GET ONE ITEM $response = $endpoint->getSegment('SEGMENT-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "record": { "segment_uid": "sx795qzttl9bb", "segment_id": "11", "name": "my segment with cond updated", "operator_match": "any", "date_added": "10/23/23, 2:36 PM", "subscribers_count": 0, "conditions": [ { "field_id": "96", "operator_id": "3", "value": "keyword" } ], "campaign_conditions": [] } } }

This endpoint retrieves the list segment with the given SEGMENT-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique id to retrieve segment for.
SEGMENT-UNIQUE-IDyesSegment unique id to retrieve

Get all subscribers

// GET ALL SUBSCRIBERS OF A LIST SEGMENT $response = $endpoint->getSubscribers('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'SEGMENT-UNIQUE-ID', $pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "count": "13", "total_pages": 2, "current_page": 1, "next_page": 2, "prev_page": null, "records": [ { "subscriber_uid": "ll381bxshm01e", "EMAIL": "dmacmeartyd@jugem.jp", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "unsubscribed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:18" }, { "subscriber_uid": "tl269bw0ol42e", "EMAIL": "gsteblesc@hp.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "unsubscribed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:18" }, { "subscriber_uid": "gs870cmwgve71", "EMAIL": "lruterb@prlog.org", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "unsubscribed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:17" }, { "subscriber_uid": "nz753vyrm0f86", "EMAIL": "kwheildona@tmall.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:17" }, { "subscriber_uid": "sf449a4k7n193", "EMAIL": "dshorrock9@hp.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:16" }, { "subscriber_uid": "op6219zx1s149", "EMAIL": "slorenz8@drupal.org", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:16" }, { "subscriber_uid": "zz449poqsr2af", "EMAIL": "mhanlon7@wikispaces.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:16" }, { "subscriber_uid": "jl349100yda86", "EMAIL": "elacroutz6@youku.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:15" }, { "subscriber_uid": "kw647a5n8l516", "EMAIL": "mstephenson5@trellian.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:15" }, { "subscriber_uid": "vo155s4b0d0ad", "EMAIL": "ldefew4@dailymail.co.uk", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:14" } ] } }

This endpoint retrieves all the subscribers of a list segment.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesThe list unique identifier for which we retrieve the subscribers
SEGMENT-UNIQUE-IDyesSegment unique identifier

Query Parameters

page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.

Create a list segment

// create a new list segment $response = $endpoint->create('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', [ // required 'name' => 'My list segment created from the API', // required 'operator_match' => 'any', // required (any/all) // optional 'conditions' => [ [ 'field_id' => '96', // required . 'operator_id' => '3', // required . See the API-URL/lists/segments/condition-operators endpoint 'value' => 'domain.com', // required ], [ 'field_id' => '95', // required . 'operator_id' => '4', // required . See the API-URL/lists/segments/condition-operators endpoint 'value' => 'keyword', // required ] ], 'campaign_conditions' => [ [ 'action' => 'click', // required (click/open) 'campaign_id' => '100', // required 'time_comparison_operator' => 'lte', // required (lte/lt/gte/gt/eq) 'time_value' => '3', // required 'time_unit' => 'day' // required (day/month/year) ], [ 'action' => 'open', // required (click/open) 'campaign_id' => '99', // required 'time_comparison_operator' => 'gte', // required (lte/lt/gte/gt/eq) 'time_value' => '3', // required 'time_unit' => 'month' // required (day/month/year) ] ], ]); // and get the response echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "record": { "segment_uid": "xs655vtkcx569", "name": "my segment with cond" } } }

This endpoint creates a list segment.

The data param can contain following indexed arrays:

-> conditions - optional

-> campaign_conditions - optional

HTTP Request

POST API-URL/lists/LIST_UID/segments

POST Parameters

dataarrayyesArray with the list segment details. The following indexed arrays are accepted: conditions, campaign_conditions,

General block - required

namestringyesList segment name
operator_matchstringyesOperator to match all the conditions: any/all

Conditions block - optional

field_idstringyesList custom field id. Can be retrieved using the list fields endpoint
operator_idstringyesOperator id. See the API-URL/lists/segments/operators endpoint
valuestringyesValue to compare with

Campaign conditions block - optional

actionstringyesCampaign action: click/open
campaign_idintegeryesCampaign id.
time_comparison_operatorstringyesTime comparison operator: (lte/lt/gte/gt/eq)
time_valueintegeryesTime value
time_unitstringyesTime unit day/month/year

Update a list segment

// update list segment // Only the conditions present here will be kept. All other existing conditions will be removed $response = $endpoint->update('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'SEGMENT-UNIQUE-ID', [ // required 'name' => 'My list segment created from the API updated', // required 'operator_match' => 'any', // required (any/all) // optional 'conditions' => [ [ 'field_id' => '96', // required . 'operator_id' => '3', // required . See the API-URL/lists/segments/condition-operators endpoint 'value' => 'domain.com', // required ], [ 'field_id' => '95', // required . 'operator_id' => '4', // required . See the API-URL/lists/segments/condition-operators endpoint 'value' => 'keyword', // required ] ], 'campaign_conditions' => [ [ 'action' => 'click', // required (click/open) 'campaign_id' => '100', // required 'time_comparison_operator' => 'lte', // required (lte/lt/gte/gt/eq) 'time_value' => '3', // required 'time_unit' => 'day' // required (day/month/year) ], [ 'action' => 'open', // required (click/open) 'campaign_id' => '99', // required 'time_comparison_operator' => 'gte', // required (lte/lt/gte/gt/eq) 'time_value' => '3', // required 'time_unit' => 'month' // required (day/month/year) ] ], ]); // and get the response echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success" }

This endpoint updates a list segment.

HTTP Request


URL Segment

LIST-UNIQUE-IDstringyesList unique identifier
SEGMENT-UNIQUE-IDstringyesList segment unique identifier

PUT Parameters

dataarrayyesArray with the list segment details. The following indexed arrays are accepted: conditions, campaign_conditions. See the create section for details

General block - required

namestringyesList segment name
operator_matchstringyesOperator to match all the conditions: any/all

Conditions block - optional

field_idstringyesList custom field id. Can be retrieved using the list fields endpoint
operator_idstringyesOperator id. See the API-URL/lists/segments/operators endpoint
valuestringyesValue to compare with

Campaign conditions block - optional

actionstringyesCampaign action: click/open
campaign_idintegeryesCampaign id.
time_comparison_operatorstringyesTime comparison operator: (lte/lt/gte/gt/eq)
time_valueintegeryesTime value
time_unitstringyesTime unit day/month/year

Delete a list segment

// Delete SEGMENT $response = $endpoint->delete('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'SEGMENT-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success" }

This endpoint will delete the list segment with the given SEGMENT-UNIQUE-ID for the LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique id to delete.
SEGMENT-UNIQUE-IDyesList segment unique id to delete

Get all list segment condition operators

// GET ALL ITEMS $response = $endpoint->getConditionOperators(); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "count": "10", "records": [ { "operator_id": "1", "name": "is", "slug": "is" }, { "operator_id": "2", "name": "is not", "slug": "is-not" }, { "operator_id": "3", "name": "contains", "slug": "contains" }, { "operator_id": "4", "name": "not contains", "slug": "not-contains" }, { "operator_id": "5", "name": "starts with", "slug": "starts" }, { "operator_id": "6", "name": "ends with", "slug": "ends" }, { "operator_id": "7", "name": "is greater than", "slug": "greater" }, { "operator_id": "8", "name": "is less than", "slug": "less" }, { "operator_id": "9", "name": "not starts with", "slug": "not-starts" }, { "operator_id": "10", "name": "not ends with", "slug": "not-ends" } ] } }

This endpoint retrieves all the list segment condition operators.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/lists/segments/condition-operators


Subscribers endpoint

/ CREATE THE ENDPOINT $endpoint = new EmsApi\Endpoint\ListSubscribers();

Get all subscribers

// GET ALL ITEMS $response = $endpoint->getSubscribers('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', $pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "count": "13", "total_pages": 2, "current_page": 1, "next_page": 2, "prev_page": null, "records": [ { "subscriber_uid": "ll381bxshm01e", "EMAIL": "dmacmeartyd@jugem.jp", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "unsubscribed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:18" }, { "subscriber_uid": "tl269bw0ol42e", "EMAIL": "gsteblesc@hp.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "unsubscribed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:18" }, { "subscriber_uid": "gs870cmwgve71", "EMAIL": "lruterb@prlog.org", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "unsubscribed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:17" }, { "subscriber_uid": "nz753vyrm0f86", "EMAIL": "kwheildona@tmall.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:17" }, { "subscriber_uid": "sf449a4k7n193", "EMAIL": "dshorrock9@hp.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:16" }, { "subscriber_uid": "op6219zx1s149", "EMAIL": "slorenz8@drupal.org", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:16" }, { "subscriber_uid": "zz449poqsr2af", "EMAIL": "mhanlon7@wikispaces.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:16" }, { "subscriber_uid": "jl349100yda86", "EMAIL": "elacroutz6@youku.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:15" }, { "subscriber_uid": "kw647a5n8l516", "EMAIL": "mstephenson5@trellian.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:15" }, { "subscriber_uid": "vo155s4b0d0ad", "EMAIL": "ldefew4@dailymail.co.uk", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:14" } ] } }

This endpoint retrieves all the subscribers of a list.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/lists/LIST-UNIQUE-ID/subscribers

URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesThe list unique identifier for which we retrieve the subscribers

Query Parameters

page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.

Get one subscriber

// GET ONE ITEM $response = $endpoint->getSubscriber('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "subscriber_uid": "ll381bxshm01e", "EMAIL": "dmacmeartyd@jugem.jp", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "unsubscribed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:18" } }

This endpoint retrieves the subscriber with the given SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID from the given LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique id to which the subscriber to retrieve belongs.
SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-IDyesSubscriber unique id to retrieve.

Search by email

// SEARCH BY EMAIL $response = $endpoint->emailSearch('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'john.doe@doe.com'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "subscriber_uid": "sf449a4k7n193", "status": "confirmed", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:16" } }

This endpoint searches a subscriber by his email within the list having the LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/lists/LIST-UNIQUE-ID/subscribers/search-by-email

URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique id to which the subscriber to retrieve belongs.

Query Parameters

emailyesSubscriber email to retrieve.

Search by email in all lists

// SEARCH BY EMAIL IN ALL LISTS $response = $endpoint->emailSearchAllLists('john.doe@doe.com'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "records": [ { "subscriber_uid": "sf449a4k7n193", "email": "dshorrock9@hp.com", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "list": { "list_uid": "cn417nrhmv922", "display_name": "Testing list", "name": "Testing list #4" }, "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:16" } ], "count": 1, "current_page": 1, "next_page": null, "prev_page": null, "total_pages": 1 } }

This endpoint searches a subscriber by his email within the all lists.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/lists/subscribers/search-by-email-in-all-lists

Query Parameters

emailyesSubscriber email to retrieve.

Search by custom fields in a list

// SEARCH BY CUSTOM FIELDS IN A LIST $response = $endpoint->searchByCustomFields('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', [ 'EMAIL' => 'john.doe@doe.com' ]); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "subscriber_uid": "ll381bxshm01e", "EMAIL": "dmacmeartyd@jugem.jp", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "status": "unsubscribed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:18" } }

This endpoint searches a subscriber by his custom fields values within a list given by LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/lists/LIST-UNIQUE-ID/subscribers/search-by-custom-fields

URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList to search in.

Query Parameters

arrayyesArray of custom fields {'CUSTOM_FIELD' => 'VALUE'}
page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.

Search by status

// SEARCH BY STATUS $response = $endpoint->searchByStatus('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'confirmed', $pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "count": "3", "total_pages": 1, "current_page": 1, "next_page": null, "prev_page": null, "records": [ { "subscriber_uid": "jl349100yda86", "EMAIL": "elacroutz6@youku.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "source": "import", "status": "confirmed", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:15" }, { "subscriber_uid": "kw647a5n8l516", "EMAIL": "mstephenson5@trellian.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "source": "import", "status": "confirmed", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:15" }, { "subscriber_uid": "vo155s4b0d0ad", "EMAIL": "ldefew4@dailymail.co.uk", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "source": "import", "status": "confirmed", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:14" } ] } }

This endpoint search for the subscribers having a certain status within the list having the LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/lists/LIST-UNIQUE-ID/subscribers

URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesThe list unique identifier for which we retrieve the subscribers

Query Parameters

page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.
statusyesSubscribers status to retrieve.

Get blacklisted subscribers

// Get only the blacklisted subscribers $response = $endpoint->getBlacklistedSubscribers('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'active', $pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "count": "3", "total_pages": 1, "current_page": 1, "next_page": null, "prev_page": null, "records": [ { "subscriber_uid": "jl349100yda86", "EMAIL": "elacroutz6@youku.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "source": "import", "status": "blacklisted", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:15" }, { "subscriber_uid": "kw647a5n8l516", "EMAIL": "mstephenson5@trellian.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "source": "import", "status": "blacklisted", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:15" }, { "subscriber_uid": "vo155s4b0d0ad", "EMAIL": "ldefew4@dailymail.co.uk", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "source": "import", "status": "blacklisted", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:14" } ] } }

This endpoint returns all the subscribers with the status blacklisted within the list having the LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/lists/LIST-UNIQUE-ID/subscribers

URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesThe list unique identifier for which we retrieve the subscribers

Query Parameters

page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.
statusblacklistedThe blacklisted status value.

Get confirmed subscribers

// GET ALL ITEMS $response = $endpoint->getConfirmedSubscribers('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', $pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "count": "3", "total_pages": 1, "current_page": 1, "next_page": null, "prev_page": null, "records": [ { "subscriber_uid": "jl349100yda86", "EMAIL": "elacroutz6@youku.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "source": "import", "status": "confirmed", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:15" }, { "subscriber_uid": "kw647a5n8l516", "EMAIL": "mstephenson5@trellian.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "source": "import", "status": "confirmed", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:15" }, { "subscriber_uid": "vo155s4b0d0ad", "EMAIL": "ldefew4@dailymail.co.uk", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "source": "import", "status": "confirmed", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:14" } ] } }

This endpoint retrieves all the confirmed subscribers of a list.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/lists/LIST-UNIQUE-ID/subscribers

URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesThe list unique identifier for which we retrieve the subscribers

Query Parameters

page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.
statusconfirmedThe confirmed status value

Get unconfirmed subscribers

// GET ALL ITEMS $response = $endpoint->getUnconfirmedSubscribers('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', $pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "count": "3", "total_pages": 1, "current_page": 1, "next_page": null, "prev_page": null, "records": [ { "subscriber_uid": "jl349100yda86", "EMAIL": "elacroutz6@youku.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "source": "import", "status": "unconfirmed", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:15" }, { "subscriber_uid": "kw647a5n8l516", "EMAIL": "mstephenson5@trellian.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "source": "import", "status": "unconfirmed", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:15" }, { "subscriber_uid": "vo155s4b0d0ad", "EMAIL": "ldefew4@dailymail.co.uk", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "source": "import", "status": "unconfirmed", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:14" } ] } }

This endpoint retrieves all the unconfirmed subscribers of a list.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/lists/LIST-UNIQUE-ID/subscribers

URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesThe list unique identifier for which we retrieve the subscribers

Query Parameters

page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.
statusunconfirmedThe unconfirmed status value

Get unsubscribed subscribers

// GET ALL ITEMS $response = $endpoint->getUnsubscribedSubscribers('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', $pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "count": "3", "total_pages": 1, "current_page": 1, "next_page": null, "prev_page": null, "records": [ { "subscriber_uid": "jl349100yda86", "EMAIL": "elacroutz6@youku.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "source": "import", "status": "unsubscribed", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:15" }, { "subscriber_uid": "kw647a5n8l516", "EMAIL": "mstephenson5@trellian.com", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "source": "import", "status": "unsubscribed", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:15" }, { "subscriber_uid": "vo155s4b0d0ad", "EMAIL": "ldefew4@dailymail.co.uk", "FNAME": "", "LNAME": "", "source": "import", "status": "unsubscribed", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:14" } ] } }

This endpoint retrieves all the unsubscribed subscribers of a list.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/lists/LIST-UNIQUE-ID/subscribers

URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesThe list unique identifier for which we retrieve the subscribers

Query Parameters

page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.
statusunsubscribedThe unsubscribe status value

Create a subscriber

// ADD SUBSCRIBER $response = $endpoint->create('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', [ 'EMAIL' => 'john.doe@doe.com', // the confirmation email will be sent!!! Use valid email address 'FNAME' => 'John', 'LNAME' => 'Doe' ]); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success", "data": { "record": { "subscriber_uid": "bm421c3lwe043", "email": "john.doe@doe.com", "ip_address": "", "source": "api", "date_added": { "expression": "NOW()", "params": {} } } } }

This endpoint creates a subscriber

HTTP Request

POST API-URL/lists/LIST-UNIQUE-ID/subscribers

URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique identifier.

POST Parameters

dataarrayyesArray with the custom fields {name => value}. The EMAIL key is required.

Create subscribers in bulk

// ADD SUBSCRIBERS IN BULK (since Labnify 1.8.1) $response = $endpoint->createBulk('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', [ [ 'EMAIL' => 'john.doe-1@doe.com', 'FNAME' => 'John', 'LNAME' => 'Doe' ], [ 'EMAIL' => 'john.doe-2@doe.com', 'FNAME' => 'John', 'LNAME' => 'Doe' ], [ 'EMAIL' => 'john.doe-3@doe.com', 'FNAME' => 'John', 'LNAME' => 'Doe' ] ]); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success", "data": { "records": [ { "data": { "subscriber_uid": "kw647a5n8l516", "EMAIL": "john.doe1@example.com", "FNAME": "John1", "LNAME": "Doe1", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:14" } }, { "data": { "subscriber_uid": "fy287b32cs054", "EMAIL": "john.doe1@example.com", "FNAME": "John2", "LNAME": "Doe2", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:14" } }, { "data": { "subscriber_uid": "vo155s4b0d0ad", "EMAIL": "john.doe3@example.com", "FNAME": "John3", "LNAME": "Doe3", "status": "confirmed", "source": "import", "ip_address": "", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:14" } } ] } }

This endpoint creates subscribers in bulk

HTTP Request

POST API-URL/lists/LIST-UNIQUE-ID/subscribers/bulk

URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique identifier.

POST Parameters

arraystringyesArray of arrays with the custom fields {name => value}. The EMAIL key is required.

Update a subscriber

// UPDATE EXISTING SUBSCRIBER $response = $endpoint->update('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID', [ 'EMAIL' => 'john.doe@doe.com', 'FNAME' => 'John', 'LNAME' => 'Doe Updated' ]); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr />'; echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "record": { "subscriber_uid": "kw647a5n8l516", "email": "john.doe.updated@example.com", "ip_address": "", "source": "api", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:14" } } }

This endpoint update the subscriber with the given SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID from the given list LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique identifier
SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-IDyesSubscriber unique identifier

PUT Parameters

dataarrayyesArray with the custom fields {name => value} to be updated.

Update a subscriber by email

// UPDATE EXISTING SUBSCRIBER BY EMAIL $response = $endpoint->updateByEmail('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'john@doe.com', [ 'EMAIL' => 'john.doe@doe.com', 'FNAME' => 'John', 'LNAME' => 'Doe Updated' ]); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr />'; echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success", "data": { "record": { "subscriber_uid": "kw647a5n8l516", "email": "john.doe@doe.com", "ip_address": "", "source": "api", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:14" } } }

This endpoint update the subscriber with the given EMAIL from the given list LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/lists/LIST-UNIQUE-ID/subscribers/search-by-email


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique identifier
SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-IDyesFound subscriber unique identifier

GET/PUT Parameters

EMAILstringyesEmail to be searched
dataarrayyesArray with the custom fields {name => value} to be updated.

Create/Update a subscriber

// CREATE / UPDATE EXISTING SUBSCRIBER $response = $endpoint->createUpdate('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', [ 'EMAIL' => 'john.doe@doe.com', 'FNAME' => 'John', 'LNAME' => 'Doe Updated Second time' ]); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success", "data": { "record": { "subscriber_uid": "kw647a5n8l516", "email": "john.doe@doe.com", "ip_address": "", "source": "api", "date_added": "2021-02-20 17:26:14" } } }

This endpoint update the subscriber if exists and created it otherwise, from the given list LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/lists/LIST-UNIQUE-ID/subscribers/search-by-email


POST API-URL/lists/LIST-UNIQUE-ID/subscribers

URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique identifier
SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-IDyesFound subscriber unique identifier

GET/PUT/POST Parameters

dataarrayyesArray with the custom fields {name => value} to be updated.
EMAILstringyesEmail to be searched

Unsubscribe a subscriber

// UNSUBSCRIBE existing subscriber, no email is sent, unsubscribe is silent $response = $endpoint->unsubscribe('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success" }

This endpoint unsubscribes the subscriber with the given SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID from the given LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique id to which the subscriber belongs.
SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-IDyesSubscriber unique id to unsubscribe.

Unsubscribe a subscriber by email address

// UNSUBSCRIBE existing subscriber by email address, no email is sent, unsubscribe is silent $response = $endpoint->unsubscribeByEmail('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'john@doe.com'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success" }

This endpoint unsubscribes the subscriber with the given EMAIL from the given LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/lists/LIST-UNIQUE-ID/subscribers/search-by-email


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique id to which the subscriber belongs.
SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-IDyesSubscriber unique id to unsubscribe.

Query Parameters

EMAILyesSubscriber email to unsubscribe.

Unsubscribe a subscriber by email address from all the lists

// UNSUBSCRIBE existing subscriber from all lists, no email is sent, unsubscribe is silent $response = $endpoint->unsubscribeByEmailFromAllLists('john@doe.com'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success" }

This endpoint unsubscribes the subscriber with the given EMAIL from all the lists.

HTTP Request

PUT API-URL/lists/subscribers/unsubscribe-by-email-from-all-lists

PUT Parameters

EMAILyesSubscriber email to unsubscribe.

Delete one subscriber

// DELETE SUBSCRIBER, no email is sent, delete is silent $response = $endpoint->delete('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success" }

This endpoint deletes the subscriber with the given SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID from the given LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique id to which the subscriber belongs.
SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-IDyesSubscriber unique id to delete.

Delete by email

// DELETE SUBSCRIBER by email address, no email is sent, delete is silent $response = $endpoint->deleteByEmail('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'john@doe.com'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success" }

This endpoint deletes a subscriber by his email within the list having the LIST-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/lists/LIST-UNIQUE-ID/subscribers/search-by-email


URL Segments

LIST-UNIQUE-IDyesList unique id to which the subscriber belongs.
SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-IDyesSubscriber unique id to delete.

GET Parameters

emailyesSubscriber email to retrieve.


Campaigns endpoint

// CREATE THE ENDPOINT $endpoint = new EmsApi\Endpoint\Campaigns();

Get all campaigns

// GET ALL ITEMS $response = $endpoint->getCampaigns($pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo "<pre>"; print_r($response->body); echo "</pre>";

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

[ { "status": "success", "data": { "count": "12", "total_pages": 2, "current_page": 1, "next_page": 2, "prev_page": null, "records": [ { "campaign_uid": "og943e5q6e158", "campaign_id": "12", "name": "My API Campaign UPDATED #3", "status": "sent", "group": [] }, { "campaign_uid": "gp5420ve90f3e", "campaign_id": "13", "name": "My API Campaign UPDATED #2", "status": "sent", "group": [] }, { "campaign_uid": "hv4163y076d84", "campaign_id": "14", "name": "My API Campaign UPDATED #1", "status": "sent", "group": [] }, { "campaign_uid": "xk906nd8fn506", "campaign_id": "15", "name": "My API Campaign UPDATED", "status": "sent", "group": [] }, { "campaign_uid": "eh477yfos0258", "campaign_id": "16", "name": "API campaing #1", "status": "draft", "group": [] }, { "campaign_uid": "db516xtc45237", "campaign_id": "17", "name": "API campaing #2", "status": "draft", "group": [] }, { "campaign_uid": "ld526wjke1ff4", "campaign_id": "18", "name": "API campaing #1", "status": "draft", "group": [] }, { "campaign_uid": "bx831rctawf92", "campaign_id": "19", "name": "API campaing", "status": "paused", "group": [] }, { "campaign_uid": "tk459h475l8ef", "campaign_id": "20", "name": "Test #1", "status": "sent", "group": [] }, { "campaign_uid": "go896lnslz8ae", "campaign_id": "21", "name": "Test", "status": "sent", "group": [] } ] } } ]

This endpoint retrieves all the campaigns.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/campaigns

Query Parameters

page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.
list_uidYou can get only the campaigns for the list with the specified unique id

Get one campaign

// GET ONE ITEM $response = $endpoint->getCampaign('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "record": { "campaign_uid": "og943e5q6e158", "campaign_id": "12", "name": "My API Campaign UPDATED #3", "type": "regular", "from_name": "John Doe", "from_email": "john.doe@doe.com", "to_name": "[EMAIL]", "reply_to": "john.doe@doe.com", "subject": "Hey, i am testing the campaigns via API", "status": "sent", "date_added": "2\/24\/21, 11:38 PM", "send_at": "2\/24\/21, 11:39 PM", "list": { "list_uid": "ra5026psrjeb5", "name": "Testing list", "subscribers_count": 0 }, "segment": [], "group": [] } } }

This endpoint retrieves the campaign with the given CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-IDyesCampaign unique id to retrieve.

Create a campaign

// CREATE CAMPAIGN $response = $endpoint->create([ 'name' => 'My API Campaign', // required 'type' => 'regular', // optional: regular or autoresponder 'from_name' => 'John Doe', // required 'from_email' => 'john.doe@doe.com', // required 'subject' => 'Hey, i am testing the campaigns via API', // required 'reply_to' => 'john.doe@doe.com', // required 'send_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+10 hours')), // required, this will use the timezone which customer selected 'list_uid' => 'LIST-UNIQUE-ID', // required 'segment_uid' => 'SEGMENT-UNIQUE-ID',// optional, only to narrow down // optional block, defaults are shown 'options' => [ 'url_tracking' => 'no', // yes | no 'json_feed' => 'no', // yes | no 'xml_feed' => 'no', // yes | no 'plain_text_email' => 'yes',// yes | no 'email_stats' => null, // a valid email address where we should send the stats after campaign done // - if autoresponder uncomment bellow: //'autoresponder_event' => 'AFTER-SUBSCRIBE', // AFTER-SUBSCRIBE or AFTER-CAMPAIGN-OPEN //'autoresponder_time_unit' => 'hour', // minute, hour, day, week, month, year //'autoresponder_time_value' => 1, // 1 hour after event //'autoresponder_open_campaign_id' => 1, // INT id of campaign, only if event is AFTER-CAMPAIGN-OPEN, // - if this campaign is advanced recurring, you can set a cron job style frequency. // - please note that this applies only for regular campaigns. //'cronjob' => '0 0 * * *', // once a day //'cronjob_enabled' => 1, // 1 or 0 ], // required block, archive or template_uid or content => required. 'template' => [ //'archive' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/template-example.zip'), //'template_uid' => 'TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-ID', 'content' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/template-example.html'), 'inline_css' => 'no', // yes | no 'plain_text' => null, // leave empty to auto generate 'auto_plain_text' => 'yes', // yes | no ], ]); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success", "campaign_uid": "hv4163y076d84" }

This endpoint creates a campaign

HTTP Request

POST API-URL/campaigns

POST Parameters

campaignarrayyesArray with the email details.

Campaign block

namestringyesCampaign name.
typestringnoCampaign type: regular or autoresponder. Default is regular.
from_namestringyesThe campaign from name
from_emailstringyesThe campaign from email address
subjectstringyesThe campaign subject
from_namestringyesThe subscriber for which we record the bounce
reply_tostringyesThe campaign reply to email address
send_atdatetime (Y-m-d H:i:s)yesThis will use the timezone which customer selected
list_uidstringyesThe list uid to which this campaign will be sent
segment_uidstringnoNarrow down the campaign recipients
templatearrayyesThe campaign template object block. Archive or template_uid or content => required
optionsarraynoThe campaign optional block, defaults are shown

Template block

archivefilePathyesTemplate file zip location
template_uidstringyesTemplate unique id from Labnify
contentstringyesTemplate content
inline_cssyes/noyesAccept inline css
plain_textnull/stringnoSend null to autogenerate as default
auto_plain_textyes/noyesGenerate plain text template

Options block

url_trackingyes/nonoEnable/Disable url tracking
json_feedyes/nonoEnable/Disable json feed
xml_feedyes/nonoEnable/Disable xml feed
plain_text_emailyes/nonoEnable/Disable the plain text email
email_statsstring/nullnoA valid email address where the stats will be sent
autoresponder_eventstringnoPossible values: AFTER-SUBSCRIBE or AFTER-CAMPAIGN-OPEN
autoresponder_eventstringnoPossible values: AFTER-SUBSCRIBE or AFTER-CAMPAIGN-OPEN
autoresponder_time_unitstringnoPossible values: minute, hour, day, week, month, year
autoresponder_time_valueintegernoThe unit time value
autoresponder_time_valueintegernoThe unit time value
autoresponder_open_campaign_idintegernoId of the campaign, only if event is AFTER-CAMPAIGN-OPEN
cronjobstringnoIf this campaign is advanced recurring, you can set a cron job style frequency
cronjob_enabledintegernoPossible values 1 or 0

Update a campaign

// UPDATE CAMPAIGN $response = $endpoint->update('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID', [ 'name' => 'My API Campaign UPDATED', // optional at update 'from_name' => 'John Doe', // optional at update 'from_email' => 'john.doe@doe.com', // optional at update 'subject' => 'Hey, i am testing the campaigns via API', // optional at update 'reply_to' => 'john.doe@doe.com', // optional at update 'send_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+1 hour')), //optional at update, this will use the timezone which customer selected 'list_uid' => 'LIST-UNIQUE-ID', // optional at update 'segment_uid' => 'SEGMENT-UNIQUE-ID',// optional, only to narrow down // optional block, defaults are shown 'options' => [ 'url_tracking' => 'no', // yes | no 'json_feed' => 'no', // yes | no 'xml_feed' => 'no', // yes | no 'plain_text_email' => 'yes',// yes | no 'email_stats' => null, // a valid email address where we should send the stats after campaign done ], // optional block at update, archive or template_uid or content => required. 'template' => [ //'archive' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/template-example.zip'), //'template_uid' => 'TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-ID', 'content' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/template-example.html'), 'inline_css' => 'no', // yes | no 'plain_text' => null, // leave empty to auto generate 'auto_plain_text' => 'yes', // yes | no ], ]); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success" }

This endpoint update the campaign with the given CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-IDyesCampaign unique id to update.

POST Parameters

Same as for the create campaign call.

Copy a campaign

// Copy CAMPAIGN $response = $endpoint->copy('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success", "campaign_uid": "hv4163y076d84" }

This endpoint copy the campaign with the given CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-IDyesCampaign unique id to copy.

Pause/Unpause a campaign

// Pause/Unpause CAMPAIGN $response = $endpoint->pauseUnpause('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "campaign": { "status": "sending" } }

This endpoint pause/unpause the campaign with the given CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request

PUT API-URL/campaigns/CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID/pause-unpause

URL Segments

CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-IDyesCampaign unique id to pause/unpause.

Mark a campaign as SENT

// Mark CAMPAIGN as sent $response = $endpoint->markSent('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "campaign": { "status": "sent" } }

This endpoint mark as SENT the campaign with the given CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request

PUT API-URL/campaigns/CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID/mark-sent

URL Segments

CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-IDyesCampaign unique id to mark as sent.

Delete a campaign

// Delete CAMPAIGN $response = $endpoint->delete('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status":"success" }

This endpoint will delete the campaign with the given CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-IDyesCampaign unique id to delete.

Get stats of a campaign

// GET STATS $response = $endpoint->getStats('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "campaign_status": "sent", "subscribers_count": 0, "processed_count": 0, "delivery_success_count": 0, "delivery_success_rate": 0, "delivery_error_count": 0, "delivery_error_rate": 0, "opens_count": 0, "opens_rate": 0, "unique_opens_count": 0, "unique_opens_rate": 0, "clicks_count": 0, "clicks_rate": 0, "unique_clicks_count": 0, "unique_clicks_rate": 0, "unsubscribes_count": 0, "unsubscribes_rate": 0, "complaints_count": 0, "complaints_rate": 0, "bounces_count": 0, "bounces_rate": 0, "hard_bounces_count": 0, "hard_bounces_rate": 0, "soft_bounces_count": 0, "soft_bounces_rate": 0, "internal_bounces_count": 0, "internal_bounces_rate": 0 } }

This endpoint retrieves the campaign stats the given CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-IDyesCampaign unique id to retrieve.

Campaigns tracking

Campaigns tracking endpoint

// CREATE THE ENDPOINT $endpoint = new EmsApi\Endpoint\CampaignsTracking();

Track subscriber click for campaign

// Track subscriber click for campaign click $response = $endpoint->trackUrl('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID', 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID', 'URL-HASH'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": {} }

This endpoint set a campaign tracking url click action.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

CAMPAIGN-UIDYesCampaign unique identifier.
SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-IDYesSubscriber unique identifier.
URL-HASHYesThe url hash which the subscriber clicked.

Track subscriber open

// Track subscriber open for campaign $response = $endpoint->trackOpening('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID', 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": {} }

This endpoint sets the track campaign open for a certain subscriber.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

CAMPAIGN-UIDYesCampaign unique identifier.
SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-IDYesSubscriber unique identifier.

Track subscriber unsubscribe

// Track subscriber unsubscribe for campaign $response = $endpoint->trackUnsubscribe('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID', 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID', [ 'ip_address' => '', 'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36', 'reason' => 'Reason for unsubscribe!', ]); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": {} }

This endpoint sets the track campaign unsubscribe for a certain subscriber.

HTTP Request

POST API-URL/campaigns/CAMPAIGN-UID/track-unsubscribe/SUBSCRIBER-UID

URL Segments

CAMPAIGN-UIDYesCampaign unique identifier.
SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-IDYesSubscriber unique identifier.

POST Parameters

ip_addressNoIP address from which the subscriber unsubscribes
user_agentNoSubscriber user agent
reasonNoUnsubscribe reason

Campaign bounces

Campaigns bounces endpoint

// CREATE THE ENDPOINT $endpoint = new EmsApi\Endpoint\CampaignBounces();

Get all bounces

// GET ALL ITEMS $response = $endpoint->getBounces('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID, $pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo "<pre>"; print_r($response->body); echo "</pre>";

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "count": "1", "total_pages": 1, "current_page": 1, "next_page": null, "prev_page": null, "records": [ { "message": "5.1.1 : Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table", "processed": "no", "bounce_type": "hard", "subscriber": { "subscriber_uid": "xq907cko16da3", "email": "user@example.com" } } ] } }

This endpoint retrieves all the bounces of a campaign.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-IDyesCampaign unique id to retrieve the bounce.

Query Parameters

page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.

Create a bounce

// CREATE BOUNCE $response = $endpoint->create('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID', [ 'message' => 'The reason why this email bounced', // max 250 chars 'bounce_type' => 'hard', // hard, soft or internal 'subscriber_uid' => 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID' // 13 chars unique subscriber identifier ]); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "record": { "message": "The reason why this email bounced", "processed": "no", "bounce_type": "hard", "subscriber": { "subscriber_uid": "fo428vd43x832", "email": "user@example.com" } } } }

This endpoint creates a campaign bounce

HTTP Request


URL Segments

CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-IDyesCampaign unique id to create the bounce.

POST Parameters

messageyesThe bounce message to be recorded.
bounce_typeyesBounce type (hard, soft or internal).
subscriber_uidyesThe subscriber for which we record the bounce


Countries endpoint

// CREATE THE ENDPOINT $endpoint = new EmsApi\Endpoint\Countries();

Get all countries

// GET ALL ITEMS $response = $endpoint->getCountries($pageNumber = 23, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "count": "240", "total_pages": 24, "current_page": 23, "next_page": 24, "prev_page": 22, "records": [ { "country_id": "218", "name": "Tuvalu", "code": "TV" }, { "country_id": "219", "name": "Uganda", "code": "UG" }, { "country_id": "220", "name": "Ukraine", "code": "UA" }, { "country_id": "221", "name": "United Arab Emirates", "code": "AE" }, { "country_id": "222", "name": "United Kingdom", "code": "GB" }, { "country_id": "223", "name": "United States", "code": "US" }, { "country_id": "224", "name": "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "code": "UM" }, { "country_id": "225", "name": "Uruguay", "code": "UY" }, { "country_id": "226", "name": "Uzbekistan", "code": "UZ" }, { "country_id": "227", "name": "Vanuatu", "code": "VU" } ] } }

This endpoint retrieves all the countries.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/countries

Query Parameters

page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.

Get all zones of a country

// get country zones $response = $endpoint->getZones(COUNTRY-ID, $pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "count": "65", "total_pages": 7, "current_page": 1, "next_page": 2, "prev_page": null, "records": [ { "zone_id": "3613", "name": "Alabama", "code": "AL" }, { "zone_id": "3614", "name": "Alaska", "code": "AK" }, { "zone_id": "3615", "name": "American Samoa", "code": "AS" }, { "zone_id": "3616", "name": "Arizona", "code": "AZ" }, { "zone_id": "3617", "name": "Arkansas", "code": "AR" }, { "zone_id": "3618", "name": "Armed Forces Africa", "code": "AF" }, { "zone_id": "3619", "name": "Armed Forces Americas", "code": "AA" }, { "zone_id": "3620", "name": "Armed Forces Canada", "code": "AC" }, { "zone_id": "3621", "name": "Armed Forces Europe", "code": "AE" }, { "zone_id": "3622", "name": "Armed Forces Middle East", "code": "AM" } ] } }

This endpoint retrieves all the zones of a country.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/countries/COUNTRY-ID/zones

URL Segments

COUNTRY-IDYesCountry Labnify ID to retrieve zones for.

Query Parameters

page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.


Customers endpoint

// CREATE THE ENDPOINT $endpoint = new EmsApi\Endpoint\Customers();

Create a customer

// CREATE CUSTOMER $response = $endpoint->create([ 'customer' => [ 'first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Doe', 'email' => 'john.doe@doe.com', 'password' => 'superDuperPassword', 'timezone' => 'UTC', 'birthDate' => 'Y-m-d' ], // company is optional, unless required from app settings 'company' => [ 'name' => 'John Doe LLC', 'country' => 'United States', // see the countries endpoint for available countries and their zones 'zone' => 'New York', // see the countries endpoint for available countries and their zones 'city' => 'Brooklyn', 'zip_code' => 11222, 'address_1'=> 'Some Address', 'address_2'=> 'Some Other Address', ], ]); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "customer_uid": "wc149l7wdm9be" }

This endpoint creates a customer

HTTP Request

POST API-URL/customers

POST Parameters

customerarrayyesThe array with the customer details.
companyarraynoThe array with the company details if required by the Labnify settings.

Customer block

first_namestringyesCustomer first name
last_namestringyesCustomer last name
emailstringyesCustomer email
passwordstringyesCustomer password
timezonestringyesCustomer timezone(i.e. UTC)
birthDatestringyesCustomer birth date (YYYY-MM-DD)

Company block

namestringyesCompany name
countrystringyesCompany country (See the Countries endpoint for available countries and zones)
zonestringyesCompany zone
citystringyesCompany city
zip_codestringyesCompany zipcode
address_1stringyesCompany address
address_2stringyesCompany another address


Templates endpoint

// CREATE THE ENDPOINT $endpoint = new EmsApi\Endpoint\Templates();

Get all templates

// GET ALL ITEMS $response = $endpoint->getTemplates($pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "records": [ { "template_uid": "xxxxxxxxx", "name": "portfolio_html (1)", "screenshot": "https:\/\/domain.com\/frontend\/assets\/gallery\/ew055sq9tn97e\/img_ytStill.png" } ] } }

This endpoint retrieves all the templates.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/templates

Query Parameters

page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.

Get one template

// GET ONE ITEM $response = $endpoint->getTemplate('TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "record": { "name": "portfolio_html (1)", "content": "HTML content...", "screenshot": "https:\/\/domain.com\/frontend\/assets\/gallery\/ew055sq9tn97e\/img_ytStill.png" } } }

This endpoint retrieves the template with the given TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-IDyesTemplate unique id which to retrieve.

Search templates

// Search ALL ITEMS (available from Labnify 1.4.4) $response = $endpoint->searchTemplates($pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10, [ 'name' => 'my template name' ]); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "records": [ { "name": "portfolio_html (1)", "content": "HTML content...", "screenshot": "https:\/\/domain.com\/frontend\/assets\/gallery\/ew055sq9tn97e\/img_ytStill.png" } ] } }

This endpoint retrieves the templates based on the filter keys values.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/templates

Query Parameters

pageint1Current page to retrieve.
per_pageint10Items per page to retrieve.
filtersarrayyesIndexed array having template attributes as keys.(i.e.: name )

Create a template

// CREATE A NEW TEMPLATE $rand = rand(); $response = $endpoint->create([ 'name' => 'My API template ' . $rand, 'content' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/template-example.html'), //'archive' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/template-example.zip'), 'inline_css' => 'no',// yes|no ]); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "template_uid": "jo441taeq281e" }

This endpoint creates a template.

HTTP Request

POST API-URL/templates

POST Parameters

templatearrayyesArray with the template details.

Data block - required

namestringyesTemplate name
contentstringyesThe template content
archivestringnoZip archive name on the disk. This can be used when not using the plain content key
inline_cssYes/NonoAllow/disallow inline css

Update a template

// UPDATE A TEMPLATE $response = $endpoint->update('TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-ID', [ 'name' => 'My API template - updated' . $rand, 'content' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/template-example.html'), //'archive' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/template-example.zip'), 'inline_css' => 'no',// yes|no ]); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success" }

This endpoint updates a template.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-IDyesTemplate unique identifier

PUT Parameters

dataarrayyesArray with the template details. See the create section for details

Delete a template

// delete template $response = $endpoint->delete('TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success" }

This endpoint will delete the template with the given TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request


URL Segments

TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-IDyesTemplate unique id to delete.

Transactional Emails

Transactional emails endpoint

// CREATE THE ENDPOINT $endpoint = new EmsApi\Endpoint\TransactionalEmails();

Get all transactional emails

// GET ALL ITEMS $response = $endpoint->getEmails($pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "count": "3", "total_pages": 1, "current_page": 1, "next_page": null, "prev_page": null, "records": [ { "email_uid": "pc939rqfc16c5", "customer_id": "1", "to_email": "john@doe.com", "to_name": "John Doe", "from_email": "jane@doe.com", "from_name": "Jane Doe", "reply_to_email": "jane@doe.com", "reply_to_name": "Jane Doe", "subject": "This is the email subject", "body": "<strong>Hello world!<\/strong>", "plain_text": "HELLO WORLD!", "priority": "5", "retries": "0", "max_retries": "3", "send_at": "2021-02-25 11:00:58", "fallback_system_servers": "no", "status": "sent", "date_added": "2021-02-25 11:01:00", "last_updated": "2021-02-25 11:02:01", "attachments": [] }, { "email_uid": "ja646gs7w3d09", "customer_id": "1", "to_email": "laurennntiu.zorila@gmail.com", "to_name": "John Doe", "from_email": "jane@doe.com", "from_name": "Jane Doe", "reply_to_email": "jane@doe.com", "reply_to_name": "Jane Doe", "subject": "This is the email subject", "body": "<strong>Hello world!<\/strong>", "plain_text": "HELLO WORLD!", "priority": "5", "retries": "0", "max_retries": "3", "send_at": "2021-02-23 08:57:13", "fallback_system_servers": "no", "status": "sent", "date_added": "2021-02-23 08:57:18", "last_updated": "2021-02-23 08:58:01", "attachments": [] }, { "email_uid": "zd716gnx0y1a1", "customer_id": "1", "to_email": "john@doe.com", "to_name": "John Doe", "from_email": "jane@doe.com", "from_name": "Jane Doe", "reply_to_email": "jane@doe.com", "reply_to_name": "Jane Doe", "subject": "This is the email subject", "body": "<strong>Hello world!<\/strong>", "plain_text": "HELLO WORLD!", "priority": "5", "retries": "0", "max_retries": "3", "send_at": "2021-02-23 08:53:10", "fallback_system_servers": "no", "status": "sent", "date_added": "2021-02-23 08:53:15", "last_updated": "2021-02-23 08:54:01", "attachments": [] } ] } }

This endpoint retrieves all the transactional emails.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/transactional-emails

Query Parameters

page1Current page to retrieve.
per_page10Items per page to retrieve.

Get one transactional email

// GET ONE ITEM $response = $endpoint->getEmail('EMAIL-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "data": { "record": { "email_uid": "pc939rqfc16c5", "customer_id": "1", "to_email": "john@doe.com", "to_name": "John Doe", "from_email": "jane@doe.com", "from_name": "Jane Doe", "reply_to_email": "jane@doe.com", "reply_to_name": "Jane Doe", "subject": "This is the email subject", "body": "<strong>Hello world!<\/strong>", "plain_text": "HELLO WORLD!", "priority": "5", "retries": "0", "max_retries": "3", "send_at": "2021-02-25 11:00:58", "fallback_system_servers": "no", "status": "sent", "date_added": "2021-02-25 11:01:00", "last_updated": "2021-02-25 11:02:01", "attachments": [ { "type": "application/pdf", "name": "filename", "data": "Email attachment content blob" } ] } } }

This endpoint retrieves the transactional email with the given EMAIL-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request

GET API-URL/transactional-emails/EMAIL-UNIQUE-ID

URL Segment

EMAIL-UNIQUE-IDyesEmail unique id which to retrieve.

Create a transactional email

// CREATE A NEW EMAIL $response = $endpoint->create([ 'to_name' => 'John Doe', // required 'to_email' => 'john@doe.com', // required 'from_name' => 'Jane Doe', // required 'from_email' => 'jane@doe.com', // optional 'reply_to_name' => 'Jane Doe', // optional 'reply_to_email' => 'jane@doe.com', // optional 'subject' => 'This is the email subject', // required 'body' => '<strong>Hello world!</strong>', // required 'plain_text' => 'Hello world!', // optional, will be autogenerated if missing 'send_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), // required, UTC date time in same format!, 'attachments' => [ [ 'type' => 'image/png', 'name' => basename(__DIR__ . '/PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE/file.png'), 'data' => base64_encode((string)file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE/file.png')), ], [ 'type' => 'image/jpeg', 'name' => basename(__DIR__ . '/PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE/file.jpg'), 'data' => base64_encode((string)file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE/file.jpg')), ], [ 'type' => 'application/pdf', 'name' => basename(__DIR__ . '/PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE/file.pdf'), 'data' => base64_encode((string)file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE/file.pdf')), ], ] ]); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success", "email_uid": "vy348j4jqn1d1" }

This endpoint creates a transactional email.

HTTP Request

POST API-URL/transactional-emails

POST Parameters

emailarrayyesArray with the email details.

Data block - required

to_namestringyesRecipient name
to_emailstringyesRecipient email
from_namestringyesSender name
subjectstringyesEmail subject
bodystringyesEmail body
send_atdatetimeyesUTC datetime (Y-m-d H:i:s format)
plain_textstringnoEmail plain text. Auto generated if missing
from_emailstringnoSender email
reply_to_namestringnoReply to name
reply_to_emailstringnoReply to email
attachmentsarraynoArray of attachments in the form ['type', 'name', 'data']

Delete a transactional email

// delete email $response = $endpoint->delete('EMAIL-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE echo '<hr /><pre>'; print_r($response->body); echo '</pre>';

The above command returns an object structured like this JSON:

{ "status": "success" }

This endpoint will delete the transactional email with the given EMAIL-UNIQUE-ID.

HTTP Request

DELETE API-URL/transactional-emails/EMAIL-UNIQUE-ID

URL Segments

EMAIL-UNIQUE-IDyesEmail unique id to delete.



API Documentation for Reselling Mailer Magic/ TranX API

This setup explains the API workflow and automatic process for resellers/customers to create a new subscription and upgrade an existing subscription.

You can use this as a reseller or provide the documentation to your customers so they can integrate this functionality into their systems:

API Documentation: Create New Subscription with Full Customer Details

Endpoint URL:




**Request Format**:


Request Parameters

– customer_email (string): The email address of the customer (required).

– first_name (string): The first name of the customer (required).

– last_name (string): The last name of the customer (required).

– billing_address (string): The street address for billing (required).

– city (string): The customer’s city for billing (required).

– state (string): The customer’s state for billing (required).

– country (string): The billing country code (required, e.g., “US”).

– zip_code (string): The billing postal or zip code (required).

– phone (string): The customer’s phone number (optional).

– product_id (integer): The ID of the subscription product that the customer wants to purchase (required).

Sample Request

Here’s an example using `cURL` to demonstrate how to call the endpoint with full customer details:


curl -X POST https://labnify.com/wp-json/custom/v1/new-subscription \

-H “Content-Type: application/json” \

-d ‘{

“customer_email”: “newcustomer@example.com”,

“first_name”: “John”,

“last_name”: “Doe”,

“billing_address”: “123 Main St”,

“city”: “New York”,

“state”: “NY”, // Optional

“country”: “US”,

“zip_code”: “12345”,

“phone”: “555-555-5555”,

“product_id”: 123



#### Successful Response

If the request is successful, you will receive a `200 OK` response structured as follows:



“status”: “order_created”,

“message”: “New subscription created and awaiting payment.”,

“payment_link”: “https://labnify.com/checkout/order-pay/456?pay_for_order=true&key=wc_order_abcdef”



#### Error Responses

In case of errors, a response code such as `400 Bad Request` will be returned with an appropriate message:

– Missing Parameters:



“code”: “invalid_request”,

“message”: “Missing required customer details”



#### Implementation Details

add_action(‘rest_api_init’, function () {

register_rest_route(‘custom/v1’, ‘/new-subscription’, array(

‘methods’ => ‘POST’,

‘callback’ => ‘handle_new_subscription’,

‘permission_callback’ => ‘__return_true’,



function handle_new_subscription(WP_REST_Request $request) {

// Retrieve request parameters

$customer_email = sanitize_email($request->get_param(‘customer_email’));

$first_name = sanitize_text_field($request->get_param(‘first_name’));

$last_name = sanitize_text_field($request->get_param(‘last_name’));

$billing_address = sanitize_text_field($request->get_param(‘billing_address’));

$country = sanitize_text_field($request->get_param(‘country’));

$zip_code = sanitize_text_field($request->get_param(‘zip_code’));

$phone = sanitize_text_field($request->get_param(‘phone’));

$product_id = absint($request->get_param(‘product_id’));

if (!$customer_email || !$first_name || !$last_name || !$billing_address || !$country || !$zip_code || !$product_id) {

return new WP_Error(‘invalid_request’, ‘Missing required customer details’, array(‘status’ => 400));


// Check if user exists or create a new one

$user = get_user_by(’email’, $customer_email);

if (!$user) {

$password = wp_generate_password();

$user_id = wp_create_user($customer_email, $password, $customer_email);

if (is_wp_error($user_id)) {

return new WP_Error(‘user_registration_failed’, ‘User registration failed’, array(‘status’ => 400));


$user = get_user_by(‘id’, $user_id);


‘ID’ => $user_id,

‘first_name’ => $first_name,

‘last_name’ => $last_name,



// Create an order with billing details

$order = wc_create_order();

$order->add_product(wc_get_product($product_id), 1); // Add product to order


‘first_name’ => $first_name,

‘last_name’ => $last_name,

’email’ => $customer_email,

‘phone’ => $phone,

‘address_1’ => $billing_address,

‘city’ => $city,

‘state’ => $state,

‘country’ => $country,

‘postcode’ => $zip_code,

), ‘billing’);



// Prepare the payment link and send to customer

$order->update_status(‘pending’, ‘Awaiting payment for new subscription order’);

$payment_link = $order->get_checkout_payment_url();



‘Complete Your Subscription Order’,

“To complete your subscription, proceed to payment using this link: $payment_link”


return new WP_REST_Response(array(

‘status’ => ‘order_created’,

‘message’ => ‘New subscription created and awaiting payment.’,

‘payment_link’ => $payment_link

), 200);


API Documentation: Upgrade Subscription


– URL: `https://labnify.com/wp-json/custom/v1/upgrade-subscription`

– Method: `POST`

Request Parameters:

– `subscription_id`: The subscription ID to be upgraded.

– `grouped_product_id`: The ID of the grouped product you wish to upgrade to.

Example Request (cURL):


curl -X POST https://labnify.com/wp-json/custom/v1/upgrade-subscription \

     -H “Content-Type: application/json” \

     -d ‘{“subscription_id”: “12345”, “grouped_product_id”: “grouped-mailer-api-id”}’



– Status: `200 OK`

– Body:



    “status”: “received”,

    “message”: “Upgrade request received, on hold, and emails dispatched.”




– Upon request, the subscription is placed on hold until payment is confirmed.

– When sending an API request for subscription upgrade, please make sure the value of these parameters are correct:

  • `subscription_id` (integer): The ID of the subscription you wish to upgrade.
  • `grouped_product_id` (string): The product ID you want to switch to, reflecting the new subscription tier.


List of all subscription Products and their IDs:

        ‘grouped-mailer-api-id’ => ‘105662’,  // Mailer Magic Lite monthly plan

        ‘grouped-mailer-api-id’ => ‘105663’,  // Mailer Magic Plus monthly plan

        ‘grouped-mailer-api-id’ => ‘105664’,  // Mailer Magic Xpress monthly plan

        ‘grouped-mailer-api-id’ => ‘99405’,  // Mailer Magic Pro monthly plan

        ‘grouped-mailer-api-id’ => ‘99412’,   // Mailer Magic Super monthly plan

        ‘grouped-mailer-api-id’ => ‘99416’,   // Mailer Magic Ultima monthly plan

        ‘grouped-mailer-api-id’ => ‘116729’,   // Gold Magic monthly plan

        ‘grouped-mailer-api-id’ => ‘116731’,   // Diamond Magic monthly plan

        ‘grouped-mailer-api-id’ => ‘116733’,   // Platinum Magic monthly plan

        ‘grouped-tranx-api-id’  => ‘115473’,   // TRANX API Lite monthly plan

        ‘grouped-tranx-api-id’  => ‘115474’,   // TRANX API Plus monthly plan

        ‘grouped-tranx-api-id’  => ‘115475’,   // TRANX API Xpress monthly plan

        ‘grouped-tranx-api-id’  => ‘115476’,   // TRANX API Pro monthly plan

        ‘grouped-tranx-api-id’  => ‘115477’,   // TRANX API Super monthly plan

        ‘grouped-tranx-api-id’  => ‘115478’,   // TRANX API Ultima monthly plan

        ‘grouped-tranx-api-id’  => ‘116722’,   // Gold TX monthly plan

        ‘grouped-tranx-api-id’  => ‘116723’,   // Diamond TX monthly plan

        ‘grouped-tranx-api-id’  => ‘116726’   // Platinum TX monthly plan


Get your subscription ID

You can use postman or command line for testing.

Postman – Testing

— Create a New Request:

Open Postman and click on “New” to create a new request.

— Configure Request Details:

Method: Set the HTTP method to `POST`.

Endpoint URL: https://labnify.com/wp-json/custom/v1/get-subscription-id

Set Headers:

— Click on the “Headers” tab.

– Add a new header with:

– Key: `Content-Type`

– Value: `application/json`

Configure the Request Body:

– Click on the “Body” tab.

– Select the “raw” radio button.

– Ensure the format is set to `JSON` (you can select this from a dropdown on the right).

– Enter the following JSON structure in the input area:



“username”: “customer_username”,

“password”: “customer_password”


Replace `”customer_username”` and `”customer_password”` with the actual credentials of your Labnify billing.

Send the Request:

– Click the “Send” button to submit the request.

Command line – Testing

Linux: Login to your server via an SSH client like Putty [for Linux. Windows: Use Command Prompt or install a terminal emulator like Git Bash or use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with Ubuntu.


curl -X POST https://labnify.com/wp-json/custom/v1/get-subscription-info \

-H “Content-Type: application/json” \

-d ‘{“username”: “customer_username”, “password”: “customer_password”}’


Replace `https://labnify.com` with your actual domain.

Replace `”customer_username”` and `”customer_password”` with the actual username and password you wish to test.

Expected Responses

– Success Response (200 OK):

– If the credentials are valid and the user has subscriptions, they will receive a JSON array of subscription IDs. Example:




“subscription_id”: 123,

“product_name”: [“Product A”],

“next_payment”: “2023-05-01T00:00:00”




– Error Responses:

– Invalid Credentials (403 Forbidden): If the username or password is incorrect:



“code”: “invalid_credentials”,

“message”: “Invalid username or password”,

“data”: {

“status”: 403




– No Subscriptions (404 Not Found):

If the user does not have any subscriptions:



“code”: “no_subscriptions”,

“message”: “No subscriptions found for this user”,

“data”: {

“status”: 404



// That’s all about it and you are good.

See more on API below..

Bulk Email Verification API Documentation

This bulk email verification API is useful to all Labnify Users especially if you wish to resell our bulk email verification service via API.

How to become a user or reseller for Labnify’s VeriPurge

Step. 1. You need to be a customer or subscriber with a minimum of $100 in your Labnify wallet.

Step. 2. Become a bulk email verification API user or reseller by applying here.

Pricing: $0.0005 per email submitted for verification via API. Minimum emails you can clean per API-based email verification request is 20,000 emails; maximum emails you can clean per API-based email verification request is 1 million emails.



API Documentation for Bulk Email Verification


URL: https://labnify.com/api/verification_api.php

Methods: POST


Required: Yes

Parameters: user_id, api_key


URL Parameters

user_id (string, required): Your user ID for authentication.

api_key (string, required): Your API key for authentication.

Body Parameters (JSON)

files_url (string, required): A URL or multiple URLs (comma-separated) pointing to

the files to be verified.

receiving_email (sting,required): Email address that will receive the

verified emails files through Email.


Content-Type: application/json


POST Method


POST /api/verification_api.php?user_id=YOUR_USER_ID&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY


Host: labnify.com

Content-Type: application/json


“files_url”: “URL1,URL2,URL3”,






O2bdNI0UxTa1Qdtx0OsLzTaiPBC1xbzejH HTTP/1.1

Host: labnify.com

Content-Type: application/json








cURL Examples

POST Method

curl –location


5w93ymqKGOZy3wub4aEFO2bdNI0UxTa1Qdtx0OsLzTaiPBC1xbzejH’ \

–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \

–data ‘{






Successful Response


“status”: “success”,

“message”: “Verification completed successfully.”


Error Response


“status”: “error”,

“message”: “Invalid user_id or api_key.”



  • Ensure that the user_id and api_key are passed as URL parameters for authentication.
  • The files_url parameter can accept multiple URLs separated by commas.
  • receiving_email must be a valid Email address which is used to receive verified emails file.


License: all code samples are licensed under MIT license.


LABNIFY.COM is the only official website under our brand name and logo. 


We do NOT accept payment through Skype, Telegram, WhatsApp, or Live chat, and neither do we trade crypto nor offer jobs. If anyone does these in the name of Labnify, it is impersonation. For details, see legal Terms.