Does a Lead Magnet Have to Be Free?

Does a Lead Magnet Have to Be Free?


A lead magnet is a freebie offered in exchange for an individual’s contact information. It could be a PDF, an ebook, a video, or anything else that would be valuable to your target audience.

The purpose of a lead magnet is to generate leads for your business. It’s a way to entice people to give you their information so that you can follow up with them later.

Lead magnets can be very effective in growing your email list or getting people to sign up for your product or service. However, they are not required to be free. In fact, you may find that charging for your lead magnet can actually be more effective in some cases.

Paid vs Free Lead Magnet

Paid lead magnet campaigns require you to offer something of value to people however, they have to pay a few bucks for it. Yes, you charge them but not in a pricey way. In fact, the price could be 90% lesser than the full version of the product you offer for “almost free” as a lead magnet.

Free lead magnet campaigns are campaigns where you give away your lead magnet for free in exchange for someone’s contact information. These leads are of lower quality since people are not actively searching for your product or service.

Pros and Cons of Lead Magnet

Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of free and paid lead magnets to help you decide which is right for your business.

Pros of Free Lead Magnets

There are a few advantages to offering a free lead magnet:

  • People are more likely to sign up if it’s free.

This is the most obvious benefit of a free lead magnet. People are more likely to sign up for something if they don’t have to pay anything for it.

  • Great way to build your email list

If your goal is to grow your email list, then offering a free lead magnet is a great way to do it. You can promote your lead magnet on your website, social media, or even through paid advertising.

  • Great way to generate leads

If your goal is to generate leads for your business, then a free lead magnet can be a great way to do it. You can use your lead magnet to collect contact information from people who are interested in your product or service.

  • Great way to build trust with your audience

If you’re just starting out, it can be difficult to get people to sign up for your product or service if they don’t know much about you. Offering a free lead magnet is a great way to build trust with your audience.

  • Great way to generate buzz for your launch

If you’re launching a new product or service, offering a free lead magnet is a great way to generate buzz. You can promote your lead magnet in the lead-up to your launch to get people excited about what you’re offering.

Cons of Free Lead Magnets

There are a few disadvantages to offering a free lead magnet:

  • Can attract a lot of low-quality leads

If you offer a free lead magnet, you may find that you attract a lot of people who are not actually interested in your product or service. These people are known as tire-kickers and they can be a waste of your time.

  • Can devalue your product or service

If you offer a free lead magnet, you may find that people start to devalue your product or service. They may think that if you’re giving away something for free, it must not be worth very much.

  • Can attract a lot of people who are not ready to buy

If you offer a free lead magnet, you may find that you attract a lot of people who are not ready to buy your product or service. These people may sign up for your freebie, but they’re not going to buy anything from you.

  • Can be hard to promote

If you offer a free lead magnet, you may find that it’s difficult to promote. Freebies can be seen as spammy, so you may have a hard time getting people to sign up for them.

  • Time-consuming to create

If you offer a free lead magnet, you may find that it’s time-consuming to create. You’ll need to spend time developing your freebie and then promoting it.

Pros of Paid Lead Magnets

There are a few advantages to offering a paid lead magnet:

  • Attract higher-quality leads

If you offer a paid lead magnet, you may find that you attract higher-quality leads. These are people who are actually interested in your product or service and are willing to pay for it.

  • Great way to generate revenue

If you offer a paid lead magnet, you may find that it’s a great way to generate revenue for your business. You can use your lead magnet to upsell people on your product or service.

  • A great way to build trust with your audience

If you offer a paid lead magnet, you may find that it’s a great way to build trust with your audience. People will see that you’re willing to put your money where your mouth is and that you believe in your product or service.

  • Great way to generate buzz for your launch

If you’re launching a new product or service, offering a paid lead magnet can be a great way to generate buzz. You can promote your lead magnet in the lead-up to your launch to get people excited about what you’re offering.

Cons of Paid Lead Magnets

There are a few disadvantages to offering a paid lead magnet:

  • Can be a turnoff for some people

If you offer a paid lead magnet, you may find that some people are turned off by it. They may not want to sign up for something that they have to pay for.

  • Hard to promote

If you offer a paid lead magnet, you may find that it’s hard to promote. People may not be willing to pay for something that they don’t know much about.

  • Can be a waste of money if people don’t sign up

If you offer a paid lead magnet, you may find that it’s a waste of money if people don’t sign up. You’ll need to carefully consider your target audience and make sure that they’re willing to pay for what you’re offering.

  • Time-consuming to create

If you offer a paid lead magnet, you may find that it’s time-consuming to create. You’ll need to spend time developing your lead magnet and then promoting it.

So, should you offer a free or paid lead magnet?

The answer to this question depends on your goals and your target audience. If your goal is to generate leads, then a free lead magnet may be the best option. If your goal is to generate revenue, then a paid lead magnet may be the best option.

You’ll need to carefully consider your goals and your target audience before you decide whether to offer a free or paid lead magnet.

How Do they Affect Sale Conversion Differently?

Lead magnets are designed to convert prospects into leads, which means they are focused on getting people to sign up for your email list or other contact information. Sale conversion, on the other hand, is focused on getting people to buy your product or service.

Lead magnets can be very effective at converting prospects into leads, but they may not be as effective at converting leads into sales. This is because lead magnets are often designed to attract a wide range of people, including people who may not be ready to buy your product or service.

Sale conversion, on the other hand, is typically more focused on people who are already interested in what you have to offer. For this reason, sale conversion strategies may be more effective at converting leads into sales.

What Makes a Good Lead Magnet?

There are a few key components that make a good lead magnet, namely:

#1. Concise

Since you’re offering this item free of charge, you want to make sure that it’s concise and to the point. No one wants to wade through a lengthy ebook or sit through a long video; they just want to get what they came for and be done with it.

#2. Relevant

Your lead magnet needs to be relevant to your target audience and offer them value. For example, if you’re a real estate agent, your lead magnet might be a guide to buying a home or a list of the top 10 things to look for when buying a home. If you’re a weight loss coach, your lead magnet might be a 7-day healthy eating plan.

#3. Engaging

Your lead magnet should be engaging enough to capture your target audience’s attention and keep them interested. If it’s boring or dry, they’re likely to just abandon it.

#4. Timely

Your lead magnet should be timely and relevant to what’s happening in the world right now. For example, if you’re a financial advisor, you might want to create a lead magnet about the new tax laws or the best way to invest in the stock market.

#5. Actionable

Your lead magnet should be actionable, meaning that your target audience can take the information from it and use it in their own life. It should be something that they can put into practice, whether it’s a new skill or a new way of thinking.

Do You Need a Landing Page for a Lead Magnet?

Not necessarily, although it can make opt-in forms more visible and reduce friction during the sign-up process.

If you have a lead magnet, it’s a good idea to have a dedicated landing page for it. This makes it easy for potential subscribers to find and sign up for your offer.

A lead magnet landing page should include:

  • A headline that clearly states what the lead magnet is
  • A description of what the lead magnet contains
  • A form for collecting contact information
  • A call to action (CTA) telling visitors what to do next

How to Make a Lead Magnet with Canva

It’s easy to create a lead magnet in Canva, but if you want to make sure it looks good, you have to follow these steps.

Step 1: Choose a template. You can select from our standard templates or create your own by choosing from Canva’s library of hundreds of free designs.

Step 2: Edit the shape of your lead magnet. The shape is the most important part of making a lead magnet look professional — choose carefully and you’ll be rewarded with an attractive design that will make people want to take action.

Step 3: Add text and images. Use the text tool to add your message and then add images using the image tool. It’s also possible to upload photos directly from your computer via Facebook, Dropbox, or WordPress.

Step 4: Download or share your lead magnet. Once you’re happy with your design, simply download it as a PDF or share it online via social media or email.

How to Make a Lead Magnet with Kindle

Making a lead magnet is easy with Kindle. Here’s how to make one step by step.

1. Pick a topic for your lead magnet. This can be anything that you think would be valuable to your target audience.

2. Create a short piece of content on that topic. This can be an article, a video, an audio recording, or anything else that you think would be valuable to your audience.

3. Make sure your lead magnet is high quality and provides value to your audience.

4. Promote your lead magnet on your website, social media, and elsewhere online.

How do you name a lead magnet?

Your lead magnet should be directly related to your target audience’s interests. If you’re targeting small business owners, for example, you might offer a guide to choosing the right accounting software.

Think About the Format

Your lead magnet can take many different forms, including ebooks, guides, checklists, templates, and more. Choose a format that will be most useful for your target audience.

Make It Timely and Relevant

Your lead magnet should be timely and relevant to your target audience. If you’re targeting businesses, for example, you might offer a guide to the new tax laws.

Keep It Short and Sweet

Your lead magnet should be short and to the point. No one wants to read a 100-page ebook, so keep it concise.

Choose a Catchy Title

Your lead magnet’s title should be catchy and to the point. It should be something that will make your target audience want to read it.

Make Sure It’s Valuable

Your lead magnet should be valuable to your target audience. It should offer information that they can’t find anywhere else.

Include a Call to Action

Your lead magnet should include a call to action, such as “download now” or “sign up today.” This will help you convert leads into customers.

The Winning Lead Magnet

 A poorly planned lead magnet won’t attract the right people or get put to use, so if you want to build a great lead magnet that wins then here is what you have to do.

1. Make it about the right person

It’s important to make sure that your lead magnet is about the right person. If you’re attracting leads from a particular niche, make sure your lead magnet is tailored to that niche.

2. Do your research

Before you even start creating your lead magnet, it’s important to do your research. Know what your audience wants and needs, and make sure your lead magnet delivers on that.

3. Keep it simple

Your lead magnet should be simple and to the point. Don’t try to cram too much information into it, or you’ll lose people’s attention.

4. Make it visually appealing

People are visual creatures, so make sure your lead magnet is visually appealing. Use images, infographics, and other visuals to make it more engaging.

5. Offer something of value

Your lead magnet needs to offer something of value to your audience. If it doesn’t, they won’t bother to opt-in.

6. Make it easy to consume

Your lead magnet should be easy to consume. If it’s too long or complicated, people won’t bother with it.

7. Promote it

Once you’ve created your lead magnet, it’s important to promote it. Use social media, email marketing, and other channels to get the word out.


In short, no. A lead magnet does not have to be free in order to be effective. However, offering a free lead magnet can be a great way to increase conversion rates and capture leads.

Lastly, a lead magnet is a key tool to increase conversion, and give your visitors something to exchange with their email. It’s recommended to use an ebook, but an infographic or video will also do the trick.

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