How to Validate an Email List

How to Validate an Email List

Your email list is your most valuable marketing asset, but it can also be your Achilles heel. A single bad email address can ruin your deliverability, and a list full of bad email addresses can get you blacklisted.

That’s why it’s so important to keep your list clean with email validation. Email validation is the process of verifying that an email address is valid and exists. There are many ways to do this, but the most important thing is to make sure you’re using a reputable email validation service.

There are a lot of scams out there, so be sure to do your research before choosing a service. A good email validation service will be able to verify that an email address is real, valid, and deliverable. They’ll also be able to provide you with additional information about the email address, such as whether it’s been marked as spam in the past.

What is email validation?

Email validation is the process of determining whether an email address is valid and exists. Email validation can be done using a variety of methods, including checking the email’s syntax, checking the email’s domain, and checking the email’s MX record.

Email validation is an essential part of list management, and it’s something you should be doing regularly. Don’t let your list become a liability – keep it clean with email validation.

How does email validation work?

The email validation process is quite simple. You simply need to enter an email address into a form field, and the system will check the validity of the email address for you.

Many different methods can be used to validate an email address, but the most common is to use an email validation service. However, we will discuss all the other methods in the next section.

Email validation services work by checking the email address against a database of known valid email addresses. If the address is found to be valid, the service will return a “success” message. If the address is not found in the database, the service will return a “failure” message.

Why validate your email address?

There are several reasons why you might want to validate an email address. The most common reason is to ensure that the address is valid before you send any important email messages to it.

If you are sending an important email, such as a job application or a resume, you will want to be sure that the email address is valid. Otherwise, you run the risk of the email being sent to the wrong address and never reaching its intended recipient.

Another reason to validate an email address is to help prevent spam. If you have a website that allows users to sign up for a newsletter or other email list, you will want to be sure that the email addresses they provide are valid.

How do you implement email validation?

Email validation can be performed using a variety of methods, including:

Syntax Checking

This method simply checks the syntax of the email address to ensure that it is in the correct format. This is the most basic form of email validation.

However, there is more to this than meets the eye. There are a few things to consider when using syntax checking:

  • The local part of the email address (the part before the @) can be up to 64 characters long.
  • The domain part of the email address (the part after the @) can be up to 253 characters long.
  • The local part of the email address must be composed of printable ASCII characters.
  • The domain part of the email address can be composed of printable ASCII characters, but it must also include at least one period (.).
  • The email address must include at least one @ sign.
  • The email address can include multiple @ signs, but only if they are surrounded by printable ASCII characters.
  • The email address can include multiple periods (.), but only if they are surrounded by printable ASCII characters.
  • The email address must not include any spaces.
  • The email address must not include any quotation marks.
  • The email address must not include any angle brackets (< or >).
  • The email address must not include any percent signs (%).
  • The email address must not include any backslashes (\).
  • The email address must not include any non-ASCII characters.

If the email address passes all of these checks, then it is considered to be valid.

Domain Checking

This method checks the domain of the email address to ensure that it is a valid domain. This is a more thorough form of email validation. This is done by checking the domain’s DNS records.

If the domain has valid DNS records, then the email address is considered to be valid.

Some factors validate domain such as:

  • Domain Existence:

The domain should have valid DNS records.

  • Domain Reputation:

The domain should not be on any blacklists.

  • Domain Syntax:

The domain should have a valid syntax.

  • Domain Typo Checking:

This method checks for common typos in the email address. For example, if the email address is ” [email protected] “, then this method will check for common typos such as ” [email protected] ” or ” [email protected] “.

If any of these typos are found, then the email address is considered to be invalid.

  • Domain Spam Checking:

This method checks the domain part of the email address to see if it is a known spam domain. This is done by checking the domain’s DNS records.

If the domain has valid DNS records and is not on any blacklists, then the email address is considered to be valid.

  • Domain Disposable Checking:

This method checks the domain part of the email address to see if it is a disposable domain. This is done by checking the domain’s DNS records.

If the domain has valid DNS records and is not on any blacklists, then the email address is considered to be valid.

  • Domain Mailbox Checking:

This method checks the domain part of the email address to see if it is a real domain with a valid mailbox. This is done by checking the domain’s DNS records.

If the domain has valid DNS records and is not on any blacklists, then the email address is considered to be valid.

Mailbox Checking

This method attempts to connect to the mailbox of the email address to see if it exists. This is the most thorough form of email validation.

If the test email is delivered successfully, then the email address is considered to be valid.

The process of mailbox checking is as follows:

  • The email validation service checks to see if the domain part of the email address is valid.
  • The service makes a connection to the server that handles the email for that domain.
  • The service issues a command to the server to check for the existence of the mailbox. If the mailbox does not exist, the service gets an error message from the server.
  • The service disconnects from the server and then reports the results of the email validation.
  • The advantage of mailbox checking is that it is a very accurate method of email validation. It is the only method of email validation that can guarantee that the email address is real.
  • The disadvantage of mailbox checking is that it is slow and can be blocked by some mail servers.

Disposable Email Checking

A disposable email address is a secondary email address that is used to sign up for a service or make a purchase. These addresses are usually temporary and are used to protect your primary email address from spam or unwanted contact.

This method checks the email address against a list of known disposable email addresses. If the email address is found on the list, then it is considered to be invalid.

The first step in checking a disposable email address is to see if the address is valid. This can be done by checking the domain of the email address against a list of known disposable domains. If the domain is not on the list, then the email address is most likely valid.

If the domain is on the list, then the email address is most likely invalid. The next step is to check the inbox of the email address to see if there are any messages. If there are no messages, then the email address is most likely invalid.

This is a unique method that can be used to validate email addresses because it checks against a list of known disposable email addresses. This method is not perfect, but it can be useful in some situations. This is the most reliable method of email validation, but it is also the most time-consuming.

What are the benefits of email validation?

Email validation can be beneficial for several reasons. Some of the benefits are:

Reduced spam: Email validation can help to reduce the amount of spam you receive. This is because it can help to identify invalid email addresses, which are often used by spammers.

Increased deliverability: Email validation can help to increase the deliverability of your emails. This is because it can help to identify invalid email addresses, which can cause your emails to be bounced.

Improved customer service: Email validation can help to improve customer service. This is because it can help to identify invalid email addresses, which can cause customers to not receive your emails.

What are the drawbacks of email validation?

Email validation can be beneficial for many reasons but it also comes with some drawbacks:

Time-consuming: Email validation can be time-consuming. This is because it can take a while to validate a large number of email addresses.

Less accurate: Email validation is less accurate than email verification. This is because it is not possible to verify that an email address is active without sending an email to the address.

Single vs bulk email validation

Email validation can be performed in two ways: single or bulk. Single email validation means checking an email address one at a time, while bulk email validation means checking multiple email addresses at once. Single email validation is more accurate, but it is also more time-consuming.

However, if you have a large list bulk validation has proven to be the best. Also, validating a large email list is not something you can do by yourself. You need a professional email verification tool to do that.

Labnify email verifier is one excellent tool that can be used to validate the email addresses in your customer or client database. It is a great way to ensure that the email addresses you have are usable and that the people who are using them are genuine.


Email validation is a process of verifying that an email address exists and is valid. This is done by checking the syntax, domain, and mailbox of the email address. Email validation is less accurate than email verification, but it is also less time-consuming.

For your email marketing to be successful, you need to have a clean list. This means you need to validate your list before you start a mass email campaign. Validation of your list is important for the delivery rate, reputation, and response rate. Email Validation is a must for your email marketing campaign.

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