Email Database | LABNIFY

Email Database

Minimum credits allowed $10

Maximum credits allowed $1,000


  • This item contains email database.
  • 2000 emails= the minimum export.
  • So $0.0049 credit = 1 email exported.
  • Access geo-relevant email data.
  • USA total Available Emails: 110,000.
  • Filter emails by country before you Export.
  • Discount: For an order over $500+, please use the 10% coupon code: VIP500
  • Result (data) will be sent to your order email in .csv file usually within 30 minutes.
Please note: payment is non-refundable.


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We do NOT accept payment through Skype, Telegram, WhatsApp, or Live chat, and neither do we trade crypto nor offer jobs. If anyone does these in the name of Labnify, it is impersonation. For details, see legal Terms.