Shared and Dedicated IPs for Email Server: How Do You Choose Right?

Shared and Dedicated IPs for Email Server: How Do You Choose Right?


If you’re running an email server, you need to decide which type of IP address to use: shared or dedicated. Shared IP addresses are less expensive, but they come with some risks. Dedicated IP addresses are more expensive, but they offer more control and privacy. So, how do you choose the right IP address for your email server?

Shared IP addresses are less expensive because they’re used by multiple servers. This means that your server’s IP address could be blacklisted if another server on the same IP address is sending spam. Shared IP addresses also offer less privacy because your server’s IP address is visible to everyone on the same IP address.

Dedicated IP addresses are more expensive because they’re not shared with any other servers. This means that your server’s IP address is private and can’t be blacklisted. Dedicated IP addresses also offer more control because you can choose which IP address to use for your server.

In this article, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of shared and dedicated IP addresses for email servers. We’ll also give you some tips on how to choose the right IP address for your server.

What is a Shared IP?

A shared IP address is an Internet Protocol address (IP address) that is used by more than one device on a computer network. This is opposed to a unique or dedicated IP address, which is assigned to a single device. The environment in which a shared IP address is used is typically a shared web hosting server.

Shared IPs are assigned by Internet service providers (ISPs) to customers who have accounts with them. When multiple customers use the same ISP, they may be assigned the same IP address. This can happen if the ISP has a small pool of IP addresses, or if the customer is on a low-priced shared email hosting plan.

In some cases, multiple devices on the same network may be assigned the same IP address. This can happen if the network uses network address translation (NAT), or if the devices are connected to the same router.

Shared IP addresses can be a security risk, as they can make it difficult to track down the source of attacks or other malicious activity. For this reason, some ISPs do not allow their customers to use shared IP addresses.

Advantages of a shared IP address

Shared IP addresses have a number of advantages, including:

More reliable

Shared IP addresses are more reliable than dedicated IP addresses because they are less likely to be blacklisted. This is because shared IP addresses are used by many different users, so it is more difficult for a single user to abuse the IP address and get it blacklisted.

Emails from shared IP addresses are more likely to be delivered to the recipient’s inbox because the IP address is not associated with a specific sender. This means that the email is less likely to be flagged as spam by the recipient’s email server.


One of the main advantages of a shared IP address is that it is significantly cheaper than a dedicated IP address. This is because when you purchase a shared IP address, you are essentially sharing the cost of the IP address with other users.

The cost of service is a very important measure for many small businesses and startups. Therefore, opting for a shared IP address can help reduce operational costs.

Increased anonymity

Another advantage of a shared IP address is that it can increase your anonymity online. This is because when you use a shared IP address, it is much more difficult for someone to track your online activity back to you.

Greater security

Another advantage of a shared IP address is that it can provide greater security. This is because when you use a shared IP address, it is more difficult for hackers to target your individual computer.

Downside of a shared email IP address

The downside of a shared email IP address is that if one person on the shared IP address gets blacklisted, it can affect the deliverability of everyone on the same IP address. This is why it’s important to choose a reputable email service provider with a good reputation for deliverability.

Email deliverability can also be affected by the content of the emails that are sent. If someone on the shared IP address is sending spammy or low-quality emails, it can damage the reputation of the IP address and affect everyone on the same IP address.

What is a Dedicated IP?

A dedicated IP is an IP address that is assigned exclusively to a single account. This means that the IP address is not shared with any other accounts, and is, therefore, more stable and reliable. This can be useful for some applications which require a static IP address.

Also, dedicated IPs can be used to avoid IP reputation issues. If another user on a shared IP is sending spam, this can reflect negatively on the IP’s reputation and may cause deliverability issues for all users on that IP. Having a dedicated IP can help to avoid these problems.

Advantages of a dedicated email IP address

Full control

Dedicated IP address gives you complete control over your e-mail sending. When you have your own IP address, you don’t have to share your IP address with anyone. This means that your email reputation isn’t affected by the actions of other senders.

Better deliverability

Senders who use a shared IP address sometimes have their emails marked as spam because another user on the same IP address has a poor reputation. When you have your own IP address, your email reputation isn’t affected by the actions of others.

More flexibility

When you have your own IP address, you can customize your email sending to meet your specific needs. For example, you can set up your own reverse DNS record, which can improve your deliverability.

Improved deliverability

Dedicated IP addresses can improve your deliverability because they allow you to set up your own reverse DNS record. A reverse DNS record is an entry in the Domain Name System (DNS) that maps an IP address to a domain name.

Some email providers use reverse DNS records to verify the identity of email senders. By setting up a reverse DNS record for your IP address, you can improve your chances of passing this verification step.

How a shared and dedicated IP affects deliverability in email marketing

Dedicated IP address

Dedicated IPs can improve email deliverability in several ways. First, having a dedicated IP gives you more control over your sending reputation. If you share an IP address with other senders, your reputation can be impacted by the actions of those other senders.

Second, dedicated IPs can give you a higher level of deliverability. This is because ISPs often give preferential treatment to email from dedicated IPs.

Also, having a dedicated IP can make it easier to troubleshoot delivery problems. If you are having trouble with email delivery, you can more easily identify the source of the problem if you have a dedicated IP. Dedicated IPs can make it easier to set up custom email authentication methods, such as SPF and DKIM.

Finally, dedicated IPs can make it easier to comply with anti-spam laws, such as the CAN-SPAM Act in the United States.

Shared IP address

A shared IP can negatively affect the deliverability of your emails. Here’s how it works:

When you send an email from a shared IP, it shares that IP with all the other email senders on that IP. So if one sender on a shared IP gets marked as spam, it could cause your email to get marked as spam as well.

This means that if you’re on a shared IP and someone else on that IP gets their emails marked as spam, your emails could start going to spam as well.

To avoid this, it’s best to use a dedicated IP address for your email sending. This way, your IP is not shared with anyone else and your emails are less likely to get marked as spam.

Dedicated IPs can be purchased from Labnify. If you’re already using a shared IP, you can try to improve your deliverability by following best practices for email deliverability.

How to decide between a dedicated or shared email IP address

Now let’s dive into the factors that should go into selecting a dedicated or shared IP.

1. Deliverability

Deliverability is the number one factor that should go into deciding between a dedicated and shared IP address. A dedicated IP address will give you more control over your deliverability because the IP address is not shared with other users. This means that you are not as likely to be impacted by the bad reputation of another user.

A shared IP address is less expensive, but you are at the mercy of the other users on the IP address. If one user sends a lot of spam, it could impact your deliverability.

2. Reputation

Your reputation is important for deliverability, but it is also a factor in deciding between a dedicated and shared IP address. A dedicated IP address gives you more control over your reputation because you are the only one using the IP address. This means that you can build a good reputation by sending high-quality emails.

A shared IP address is less expensive, but you are at the mercy of the other users on the IP address. If one user sends a lot of spam, it could impact your reputation.

3. Flexibility

A dedicated IP address gives you more flexibility because you are the only one using the IP address. This means that you can send emails at any time and you are not limited by the sending schedule of other users.

A shared IP address is less expensive, but you are limited by the sending schedule of other users. This means that you might have to wait your turn to send emails.

4. Budget

A dedicated IP address is more expensive than a shared IP address. If you are on a tight budget, a shared IP address is a good option.

5. Sending Volume

If you plan to send a lot of emails, a dedicated IP address is a good option. A dedicated IP address can handle a higher sending volume than a shared IP address.

6. Sending Frequency

If you plan to send emails frequently, a dedicated IP address is a good option. A dedicated IP address can handle a higher sending frequency than a shared IP address.

7. Enhanced Tracking

If you need enhanced tracking, a dedicated IP address is a good option. A dedicated IP address allows you to track your emails more closely.

8. Authentication

If you need to set up authentication, a dedicated IP address is a good option. A dedicated IP address allows you to set up authentication more easily.

9. Support

If you need support, a dedicated IP address is a good option. A dedicated IP address gives you access to support from your email provider.

10. Expertise

If you don’t have the expertise to manage your own IP address, a dedicated IP address is a good option. A dedicated IP address gives you access to the expertise of your email provider.

The decision between a shared and dedicated IP address depends on your needs and budget. If you need more control and deliverability, a dedicated IP address is the better option. If you are on a tight budget, a shared IP address is a good option.

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