How Effective Are Email Blasts?

How Effective Are Email Blasts?


An email blast is a mass email that is sent to a large group of recipients all at once. Email blasts are often used to promote sales or special events, and can be an effective way to reach a large number of people quickly. However, email blasts can also be spammy and difficult to unsubscribe from, so it’s important to carefully consider your audience before sending one.

To know what to say in an email blast, you’ll need to understand what’s going on in the marketplace, what kinds of customers exist, and how they shop. Companies send email blasts for many reasons, to sell goods, advertise special deals, introduce new products, or even thank customers.

Email blasts are quick, efficient, and can be designed to appeal to a wide variety of customers, no matter how diverse or large their customer base may be. In this article, you will learn everything about email blasts.

11 Things to Consider While Blasting Emails

When sending out mass emails, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure that your message is properly received and responded to. Here are 11 things to consider:

1. The number of people who unsubscribe from your emails. If you notice that a lot of people are unsubscribing from your emails, it could be because you’re sending too many, your content isn’t relevant to them, or they’re no longer interested in what you have to offer.

2. The number of people who mark your emails as spam. If you notice that a lot of people are marking your emails as spam, it could be because you’re using too many exclamation points, all caps, or other spammy tactics.

3. The number of people who don’t open your emails. If you notice that a lot of people aren’t opening your emails, it could be because your subject lines are unappealing, your sender name is unrecognizable, or your emails are going to people’s spam folders.

4. The number of people who open your emails but don’t click on any links. If you notice that people are opening your emails but not clicking on any links, it could be because your call-to-action is unclear, your email is too long, or you’re not offering anything of value.

5. The number of clicks on each link in your email. If you notice that people are clicking on one particular link more than others, it could be because that link is more relevant to them or because it’s placed in a more visible spot.

6. The number of times people forward your email. If you notice that a lot of people are forwarding your email, it could be because they found it valuable and wanted to share it with others.

7. The number of times people reply to your email. If you notice that a lot of people are replying to your email, it could be because they have questions, comments, or feedback.

8. The device people use to read your email. If you notice that people are reading your email on a particular device, it could be because that device is more convenient for them or because they prefer the email client on that device.

9. The time of day people read your email. If you notice that people are reading your email at a particular time of day, it could be because that’s when they have time to check their email or because that’s when they’re most likely to be in the mood to read your email.

10. The location people read your email from. If you notice that people are reading your email from a particular location, it could be because they’re at work, at home, or on the go.

11. The email clients use to read your email. If you notice that people are reading your email in a particular email client, it could be because they prefer that email client or because it’s the only one they have access to.

Dos and Don’ts of Email Blasting

There are several reasons why email is good for marketing as a tool: it is nearly free, you can reach a large audience, and it can be highly targeted. It is also effective for marketing to your existing clients/customers, as well. You can announce new products and exclusives, share content with them, promote sales, and much more. You have the opportunity to keep your name and company at the top.

But, what you must know is that there are proper ways and improper ways to use email marketing. If you use it properly, you’ll enjoy the payments it can make. If you use it improperly, you’ll only pay fines, suffer big penalties, and lose respect.


  • Make sure your mailing list is clean.
  • Make it easy for the recipient to unsubscribe.
  • Build your list regularly so the people on it actually know you and your company.
  • Include targeted content that is of value and use to your recipients. They’ll open more
  • Keep your subject lines short, sweet and relevant. They should also be benefit-driven.


  • Do not combine your “blast” emails with your personal emails. Keep them separate.
  • Do NOT use spam techniques in your emails.
  • Do NOT send out emails entirely in HTML
  • Do NOT use “salesy” attachments
  • Do NOT rely solely on HTML and images. Include plain text in every email you send.

How to Not Land in Spam Folder

black iphone 5 on white table

If you are wondering how to not land in a spam folder, there are several things that you can do to improve your chances. By following a few simple tips, you can make sure that your emails always make it to the inbox of your recipients.

Use a reputable email service

There are many free email services available, but not all of them are created equal. Some of these services are known for being particularly easy to use for spammers, which can make it more likely for your emails to be flagged as spam. If you want to avoid this, consider using a paid email service instead. These services typically have stricter anti-spam filters in place, which can help to keep your emails from being flagged as spam.

Personalize your emails

When you send out mass emails, it can be easy to forget to include a personal message. However, this is one of the most important things that you can do to avoid being flagged as spam. If you include a personal message in your emails, it will show your recipients that you are taking the time to write to them individually. This can go a long way towards making your emails seem more legitimate, and less likely to be flagged as spam.

Avoid using too many exclamation points

Exclamation points can be a great way to add excitement to your emails, but too many of them can make your emails seem spammy. If you want to avoid being flagged as spam, try to use exclamation points sparingly.

Don’t use all caps

Sending an email in all caps can make it seem like you are shouting at your recipients. This is another surefire way to get your emails flagged as spam. If you want to avoid this, try to use lowercase letters whenever possible.

Include a call to action

If you want your recipients to take action on your emails, you need to include a call to action. Without a call to action, your emails are likely to be ignored. A call to action can be anything from asking your recipients to forward your email to a friend to asking them to click on a link. Whatever you choose, make sure that your call to action is clear and easy to follow.

Include your physical address

Including your physical address in your emails can help to make them seem more legitimate. If you have a physical location, including your address in your emails can help to show your recipients that you are a real person. This can go a long way towards making your emails seem more legitimate, and less likely to be flagged as spam.

Create a good “From” line

When you create your From line, make sure that you use a name that your recipients will recognize. If you use an email address that nobody knows, it will be much more likely to be flagged as spam.

These are just a few of the many things that you can do to avoid being flagged as spam. By following these simple tips, you can make sure that your emails always make it to the inbox of your recipients.

How Often Should You Send out Email Blasts?

It depends on the type of business and the products or services you are promoting. If you are sending out email blasts to promote a new product or service, you should do so on a regular basis, at least once a week. If you are promoting a sale or special offer, you may want to send out email blasts more frequently, perhaps every other day or every few days.

Here is how you should know how often you should send email blasts depending on your niche:

If you are in a niche where people are always looking for new products, Then you should send an email blast every time you have a new product.

If you are in a niche where people are not always looking for new products, then you should send an email blast every 1-2 weeks.

What is the Best Time to Send Out an Email Blast?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Some email blast experts recommend sending them out first thing in the morning, while others recommend sending them later in the day. Ultimately, it depends on your specific audience and what time works best for them. Try testing different times to see what has the best response rate.

The most advanced email marketing services offer custom workflows where you can specify triggers based on actions (such as opening an email or making a purchase) or on inaction (such as ignoring emails).

With these services, you can also set up a series of emails (such as tutorials) to be sent to segments of users, and you can pause or stop a campaign at any time. You can also move contacts into new segments once they have completed tutorials.


Email blasts can be effective if they are well-designed and properly targeted. If you are planning to use email blasts as part of your marketing strategy, be sure to do your research and create a strong email list beforehand. Additionally, make sure your emails are clear, concise, and eye-catching to increase the likelihood that people will actually read them.

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